C H A P T E R - T H I R T E E N

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Cursed Love

E L E O N O R A ' S P O V :

"I've missed you." Devin hugs me tightly with a smile that reaches his eyes.

"You saw me yesterday." I laugh, squeezing him back. I wont say it but I've missed him too.

I've walked over to my friend's place. I'm staying the night, doing all the things we used to do together. It's been weird not spending every moment of everyday with them.

"So what do we say..," Naomi starts. "Junk food and a movie?"

"Absolutely." I agree with a soft smile.

We move quickly, putting on an old movie, Coraline. We grab snacks and nuzzle into the couch. Devin finds comfort on the floor, Naomi on the giant chair and Rowan and I are on the couch. We aren't near each other though. I'm too nervous to get close. I'm afraid the twins might notice.

Plus, I haven't told Devin or Naomi yet. I haven't had the chance to get them alone.

After our date, we had one more. Well, for the most part it was just a make-out session in Rowan's bedroom while Devin and Naomi were out of the house but still. They were at Zio E's house, they go over there quite often.

"How have things been with your dad?" Naomi asks. I catch Rowan look at me, it's sweet how he cares for me. I can tell he does.

"Actually.. it's been good— better." She sends me a warm smile. "I think we've both just been scared but we talked. I'm going to try and find a happy medium in my life and my papà said he's going to try and do better with not treating me like I'm five." I laugh a little and Naomi does too.

"Good, I'm really happy for you."

I opened up to my papà— not about everything but just enough. I told him that I don't know who I am or how I fit in here and I'm scared. He told me that this is my journey to take but regardless, he'll be with me every step of the way.

I want to know how I fit in with the mafia. I want to know how it works. I want to know if I have what it takes or if I'm too weak to carry on my family's legacy. I want to be tough.

Though, I didn't tell him all of that.

I'm no secret to weapons and fights but I've never wanted to do it. I've always had a certain talent for keeping myself alive but I sometimes, I don't enjoy hurting people. Other times, I feel so caught up on the thrill of hurting those who've wronged someone that I truly scare myself.

"Thank you, Naomi." Devin starts the movie. "Hey, you and Devin have been spending a lot of time at my Zio's house." I suggest with a smile. "Maybe he'd be cool with you guys living there."

She laughs. "I don't even think he can tell us apart yet." Naomi's eyes roll.

My eyebrow lifts. "Now come on, Naomi." I let out a short laugh.

"Okay fine. It's kinda obvious but we are identical."

It's true, Naomi and Devin are identical twins. It's also true that there is barely a point one percent of female and male twins being identical. That's not their case though. Biologically, at birth, Naomi and Devin were both born male. One of them just had a change of heart.

"Either way, it's cute. You never know, maybe Zio E is looking for someone to live with." I shrug. Truly, it would be adorable if my best friends became my cousins. If that ever happened.

"Ha! As if." She shakes her head, turning her head back to the tv.

The night progresses and eventually, everyone falls asleep but me.

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