Proposal approval (part 1)

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So, since I've done a few wedding related Contestshipping one shots, I decided to do one about their proposal! Only I didn't expect it to turn out so long. So, sorry if it's too wordy but I hope you enjoy. Also thank you @-drxmxqueen for helping me sort some stuff out. 


Drew stared hard at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. His nose wrinkled at his sorry, stressed state. His hair was a frizzy mess and his complexion had little to be desired. To put it simply, he looked awful.

Even if he had just woken up, he usually looked way better than he did now.

"Stop doing this to yourself." Drew pointed accusingly at his reflection. "It isn't that big of a deal."

But it was. As much as Drew wanted to deny it so he could put himself at ease, he couldn't. Because this was a big-no! It was a huge deal! One screw up and it would be over for him, and that's what scared him so much.

He sank against the bathroom counter where he had set the small velvety crimson open ring box. Inside sat a golden red with a beautifully cut ruby with tiny diamonds and emeralds around it.

Drew smiled at the thought of presenting it to his girl. He pictured the way she would bounce up and down and her adorable face would light up when she saw it. How excited he pictured her to be when she said yes to be his forever.

That's right. Drew Hayden was going to ask May Maple, the love of his life, to marry him.

You might be thinking that's why he was so out of sorts. That he was worried about something going wrong or that it wasn't special enough. But no, that wasn't the case. He had everything planned out to the tiniest detail. He wanted it to be absolutely perfect. May deserved it to be all that and more. So, that wasn't the problem.

The huge, stress inducing, problem was May's father, Norman. The man was a tough nut to crack when it came to May. It was difficult enough to get the stubborn man to let Drew date his only daughter.

It took a solid week him and May begging and even May scolding him about it before Norman finally agreed to it. It might have been years ago, but Drew still remembered the day all to well.


May had cornered her dad with Drew by her side. They were all settled in the Maple family's living room. May was standing as tall as she could with her arms crossed, facing her father with a look of determination.

"Look, I know you don't like Drew and don't want me dating him, but I love him." May stated firmly.

She then took Drew's hand and gave it a squeeze for support. Drew smiled and squeezed her's back.

"I want to be with him because he makes me happy and loves me just as much. But it would make me even happier if you would approve of us. So, pretty please, give him a chance. For me." May begged.

For the longest minute of their lives, they waited for the Norman's response. The two teenagers held their breaths until finally, he smirked at them and stood up from the couch.

"Alright. I guess, I can allow it as long as he makes you happy and treats you like a princess." Norman replied.

He shot Drew a warning glare, and although it intimidated Drew, he understood. Besides, that was his plan.

"Of course." Drew nodded.

Norman scanned the teen boy up and down for the slightest hint of deception. He couldn't let any guy, not matter how May felt, end up breaking her heart. Thankfully, he found no signs of lying on Drew, and he relaxed.

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