Chapter 1- Old Friends and New Troubles

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 Deep Space, 13 standard years ABY

Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex sat in the cockpit of the Torrent, a renovated Clone Wars era freighter that was both ship and home. The 501st, as Rex called his family, was leisurely traveling the Galaxy, popping in and out of hyperspace as they pleased. Soon enough duty would call, but until then, they intended to enjoy themselves.

"Hey, Little U'n," said Rex, reaching in his pocket, "I forgot to give this back to you earlier."

He handed her a small metallic cylinder. She took it with a smile. Given to her by the Kaminoans in gratitude for Alliance help against the Empire, the unassuming bit of metal had made her wonderful new life possible. The cloners had refused to create genetically based bio-weapons, bringing Imperial wrath down on their people. One of the elegant beings had remembered Ahsoka from her visits to the Kaminoan medcenter with Rex.

The Clones' accelerated aging was never meant to continue past peak maturity. When pressed to the side of a Clone's temple, the little tube, called a genetic re-coder, stopped the process and even reversed many of the deleterious effects.

"It will extend his lifespan greatly," Nala Se had explained. "Longer than a typical human lifespan. I would say he should live approximately as long as a Force-sensitive Togruta."

Coming back to the present, Ahsoka pecked Rex on the cheek. "I'm glad we could help some of your brothers. The Galaxy needs you Clones to stick around as long as you can."

"Don't worry, you're gonna be stuck with me for a long time." Quickly, he slipped his hand under her back lek to tickle the sweet spot.

"Rex!" she squealed. "I need to put the re-coder up."

Ahsoka made her way back to their little bedroom, past their sleeping children. She tucked the tube in a small lockbox with her treasures- a lucky Tatooinian coin from Anakin, a tattered doll from her childhood and a beautifully colored feather Rex had given her long ago.

Back in the cockpit, Rex gazed thoughtfully out of the viewport as Ahsoka approached.

"I need to tell you what the boys told me," he began softly.

"I'm listening."

"You know they overcame their chips, but I need to tell you how it happened. They were there, Ahsoka. That terrible night- they were with...," Rex paused, choking on his words. "Poppy said none of them really remembers much of how it started. Some older padawans resisted at the entrance... a few Jedi and padawans took a stand inside, then ...he headed for the Creche." Rex stopped, closed his eyes. "They followed him. A droid was standing over two padawans' bodies.... They had been trying to protect the younglings.... He was battling Master Yaddle at the Creche door. Did you know her, Ahsoka? He tried to cut her down but she brought the roof down...sacrificed herself. He...told the boys to finish off the, the..." Rex trailed off, tears in his voice. "But he didn't know. Her sacrifice had fried the chips. They saved the babies and the two padawans. I wanted you to know, Little U'n. There may be more of you out there somewhere." Rex stopped, unable to go on.

Ahsoka threw her arms around him, eyes brimming with tears. "Thank you for telling me."

The embedded comm beeped. Regaining his composure, Rex thumbed it on. "Rex and Ahsoka here."

"Rex, it's Luke. We've got trouble. Big trouble. Like, Jabba the Hutt sized trouble." A small blue Luke Skywalker snapped into focus above the console.

"What have you done now, Little Skyguy?" Ahsoka smiled at her former master's son.

"Wasn't just me, Aunt Snips. It seems we've created quite a stir with our little visit to Mersia."

"Apparently," a female voice continued, "a distorted version of the um, incident has been broadcast on the holonews and spread on the holonet as well." Mara Skywalker appeared at Luke's side on the console as she joined him. "Leia reports that an emergency meeting of the Senate has been called. Han had her en-route when we spoke."

"I hope they make it in time. I'm afraid they may have an emergency quorum without her," Luke added.

"An emergency session?" Ahsoka replied in disbelief. "All we did was defend ourselves. No one but those trouble makers even got hurt."

"Like Mara said, the events of our visit have been distorted. Leia's going to let us know when she has any more news. I think we need to have an emergency meeting of our own while we wait. Can you meet us on Lothal?" The blue Luke paused, looking first at Rex, then Ahsoka.

"Give us about six hours. We should arrive at the tower shortly after sunup," Rex assured him.

Ahsoka smiled. "Bring the meeting to Ezra, so he'll have to come. Good thinking, Luke."

"That's the idea," Luke chuckled. "We'll meet you there. Skywalker out."

The holoimage disappeared. Rex keyed in the coordinates for Lothal, then turned to Ahsoka. "Try to get some rest, Little U'n. For your sake and the baby's."

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