Chapter 3- Jedi Meeting

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The Torrent sat down near a small space yacht called Jade Shadow, in sight of a tall tower on the grassy plains of Lothal. Rex, Ahsoka, Alora, Ashlan, Coryn, Miisha, Rorric, little Wani, and baby Persis made their way through the tall grass towards the Bridgers' tower home.

"Dada," hollered Wani, when they had gone about a dozen meters, "dis grass is too tall. I'm gonna get lost!"

Rex laughed and scooped up the little boy, tickling his montrals. "Oh, no! No one gets lost in this family. We stick together."

"No matter what!" added Alora, their adopted human daughter, carrying one-year old Persis on her hip.

"No matter what!" echoed the other children.

"I hope Ezra will be at the tower when we get there," Alora sighed. Ezra had helped to rescue her from the Inquisitors when she was a baby and the two had a special bond.

"I'm sure he'll turn up," Ahsoka assured her. "He always does. Dev will be there too, you know," she added with a sly smile.

Miisha slipped her small hand into her father's big one. "I hope Jacen and Pypey will be there."

Coryn tugged thoughtfully at one of his lekku. "I think Master Luke wants all of us Jedi at his meeting. Even you, Sis."

"Me and Wani and baby Persis, too?" asked Rorric, his eyes wide.

Ashlan nodded. "Maybe even Grogu and Baby Ben. Dada, something bad is happening, isn't it?"

"I really don't know what's going on. That's what we're going to find out. Ah, and here's the man who's going to tell us."

"Rex, Ahsoka! Hi, kids!" Luke stood at the door of the Bridgers' tower home, waving to the little family. A young man, Dev Sibwarra, and a young boy, Kyp Durron, hurried out of the tower to greet them. Jaina and Jacen Solo dashed out close behind.

Sabine followed more slowly, one hand resting on her rounded middle. "Ahsoka, Rex, children! It's so good to see you. Come in. Ezra will be back soon. He went to meditate at the old Temple site when he heard Luke's report."

Sabine led her guests inside where a pot of Lothalian herbal tea sat on a table. She poured out cups of the steaming liquid as the Jedi gathered in a circle. A little girl, with dark hair and brown, bird-like eyes, toddled into the room with a tiny green child. Both toddlers babbled excitedly as they Force-tossed a ball back and forth.

"Violet-Meadows, Grogu, inside voices, please!" Sabine scolded gently. "Baby Ben is sleeping."

Mara smiled at the wide-eyed tots and held the sleeping baby out for Violet-Meadows to see. The little girl tiptoed over to peek at him.

The tower door opened and Ezra Bridger entered with his two pupils, Jacen Syndulla Dume and Pypey of Ithoria. He paused, his gaze sweeping the room. His dark hair was tousled by the wind, the gentle fragrance of Lothal's grasslands lingered about his orange robe and his bare feet were dusty and tanned. He stepped up to Sabine and stroked the braids encircling her head.

Finally, he addressed the gathered Jedi with a sad smile. "Well, looks like the gang's all here except for Leia. Luke, I sense more here than we know."

Luke returned Ezra's smile. He was unusual, to be sure, and technically, he wasn't even a Jedi, but he brought a unique perspective to their community. The Balance of the Force was strong in him.

"I have more news from Leia, and it is not good. Two Mersians testified before an emergency Senate. They claim we Jedi destroyed a cantina and hinted that we bewitched those five clones. They say we are responsible for multiple deaths. A special committee is seeking a supposedly peaceful solution, but Leia believes they are out for blood."

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