Chapter 12 - The Garden

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Talisbeth Malreaux brushed the soft, rich soil of Kyber from her hands and stood.

"I think that's the last of them, Solis."

It had been a good harvest. Two dozen big baskets full just today. Of course, Whie's fields had yielded a much larger bounty but she was proud of her garden. The planet seemed to delight in growing life and always rewarded her labors. She and Whie had never seen any of the native fruits and vegetables anywhere else and the names Pan and Tallulah had given them, such as Ju Ju beans and Squish fruit, had stuck. Talisbeth reached down for the nearest basket, laden with Blue Butter Pods.

"Mistress Talisbeth," remonstrated her footman droid, "you know you are not supposed to lift such things. What would Master Whie say?"

"He would say that Solis is here to carry your baskets." Whie's voice floated around a corner of the house before he stepped into view. "And you could at least call on the Force as well as you are able. As for you, Solis," he pinned the droid with a hard stare, "you no longer have an override function, so your priority should be the well-being of your mistress. If necessary, I expect you to use an appropriate amount of physical force to prevent her from harming herself."

"Whie," Talisbeth said gently, "Blue Butter Pods are not heavy. And Solis would most definitely have taken the basket from me – and carried me into the house, too."

"I know, Dearest. Solis, will you bring the basket to the back kitchen? I will carry your mistress inside this time."

As Whie lifted her into his arms, a furrow creased his brow. "You grow lighter each time I hold you. I sense that you are fading, in spite of my best efforts."

"Don't worry about me. I've had a long day in the garden. I think I just need a nap before dinner." She nestled her head against his shoulder.

A hint of sadness crept into Whie's eyes and he held her closer until he reached their bedchamber. Carefully, he laid her on the bed and covered her with a large, woolly shawl.

"Now you must rest, beloved," he murmured. He blinked slowly. Talisbeth's arms and legs went limp. "I will return for you in an hour, unless you call for me sooner."

Whie stepped toward the door. Talisbeth looked after him, turning her head, one the few parts of her body that she still fully controlled. In the doorway, he paused.

"Do you remember what Master Yoda said, my sweet Scout? The last time we spoke to him?"

"Yes. Master Yoda said many wise things but I think that was the wisest thing I ever heard him say."

"' The forbidden attachment is not love. Selfishness, it is. Lead to fear of loss it does. Anakin fell, not because he loved too much, but because he loved too little.' He said our bond was truly love and not attachment and if we guarded ourselves, we would not fall."

"Whie, Dear, your love for me is completely unselfish. You give me life itself and I give you nothing in return."

"No, Dearest, you give me far more than I give you: love, joy, purpose. I love you so dearly, Talisbeth, but we are about to be tested. I have been asking myself all day- do I love you enough?"  

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