Chapter 6- Visions

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Ashoka smiled as she watched Ezra bustling around the kitchen, Jacen Solo at his heels. Sabine's time was drawing close and Ezra had her suitably enthroned in a plush chair with an equally plump footstool. From her throne, Sabine could survey the entire kitchen as she gave Ezra instructions.

"The Loth-potatoes should be about done, Love. Just sprinkle a little corinelle on top to season them." Sabine leaned back and rubbed her middle as Ezra removed a pan of sizzling Loth potatoes from the cooker.

Ahsoka placed a hand on her own stomach. She had yet to feel the child move, but a small swelling announced the child's presence. She could sense the little one's life and vitality through the Force.

The Bridger's comm system dinged noisily, interrupting Ahsoka's thoughts. Carefully placing the pan on the counter, Ezra hurried to the display and activated two comms. Luke and Leia appeared as holograms.

"What happened?" Rex asked.

"Dev and Alora made contact with Punch," Luke explained. "They ran into some of our 'friends' who claimed the Jedi wanted to kill them. The kids kept up their cover and were going to meet with Punch, Poppy, Barrel, Clide and Handie when they ran into Tos and Lindra and that human, Axe. Dev used a mind trick and they left them alone, but the next thing they know Tos and Axe have been choked to death."

"That's right," another voice agreed as a Clone appeared in the holoimage. "We came running out when we heard the screaming and found the bodies. Then Lindra and Kir'raning came tearing up to us, shouting about Jedi. At least Lindra was. She yelled at us, said it was our fault." The Clone paused.

"Go on, Handie. Tell us the rest," Rex encouraged.

Handie drew a deep breath. "The bodies had been strangled, all right and no marks on the skin. But there was something mechanical about it, if you take my meaning. Lindra and Kir'raning started running back towards town and we followed. When we got there, the whole gang had gathered and drawn quite a crowd too, screaming about the 'murdering Jedi'." Handie stopped again, his eyes suddenly sad. "If they had any idea...." His voice trailed off.

"I know," Rex said softly. "They have no idea what most Jedi are really like." He smiled at Ahsoka.

Alora squeezed in beside Handie and patted his shoulder. "Thanks, Handie. It's good to know someone likes us. Those Mersian rowdies stood there shouting for nearly ten minutes." She shook her head. "If we were trying to kill them, we certainly wouldn't have let them tell the whole town first."

"Unfortunately," Leia broke in, "we are being tried in the court of public opinion and it's not known for reasonable thinking."

"How did they die?" Rex asked Handie.

"They just started choking and keeled over. But we'd been watching. Saw three little droids flying away. We saw them yesterday - it's what we wanted to tell the kids about," Handie explained. "This time I caught one. It self-destructed, of course, but I managed to pull this off first." He held up an odd-looking rod that ended in a U-shape. "Its arm- and its weapon."

"We called you Handie for a reason," Rex chortled.

"Dev thinks it generates an energy ray of some kind," Alora was obviously pleased with her crush's abilities and her voice held an unmistakable pride. "Almost like an artificial force. Its uses are likely limited but it could mimic Jedi abilities in a small way."

"Excellent work," Leia chimed in. "Luke, get a holovid of the droid arm. Let one of the Clones hold it and explain what happened. Most people react positively to them and we could use some good publicity for a change."

"I'm on it," Luke assured her. He crinkled up his forehead. "We're really going to have to dig deep if we're going to stop Agati."

Leia nodded. "He must have known you were headed to Mersia. Somehow a journalist just happened to find images of the Jade Shadow on a camera from the defunct Mersian surveillance system. Add that to a holovid of screaming Mersians and several murders and it equals one juicy news story."

"Artoo has secured our ship against hackers, so we shouldn't have any more leaks like that one, assuming he discovered our destination before Artoo plugged all the holes," Luke replied.

Two floppy ears appeared beside him. "Hi dere!" hollered Grogu.

"Hi, Gogu!" Violet-Meadows yelled back, making everyone laugh.

Ezra had been watching silently, a kitchen towel in his hand. He stepped forward now. "We need to consider the big picture," he said slowly. "We need to focus on Agati's main plan of destroying the Jedi - and what he plans to do after that." He grinned, eyes twinkling. "Of course, we can't forget the little details. The little things turn out to be the big things, sometimes. And right now, I have a little detail to take care of!"

Ezra turned and strode to the door. Sabine pushed herself up in her chair. "Where are you going, Ezra?"

"We're out of corinelle, Coco Bean. And I know it's your favorite. I'll be back." Jacen Solo hurried after him and Violet-Meadows followed Jacen.

"Ezra has a point," Ahsoka spoke up. "We need to rely on the Force. I'm afraid that we sent Alora and Dev into another set up on Mersia."

"Yes," Mara joined in. "We need to act quickly, but with care. We should meditate before we decide anything."

Outside, the Lothalian sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows. Ezra and the children passed a pen with a Loth-cow and her calf. He paused, placing his hand on her head and communing with them through the Force. Awestruck, Jacen reached up and touched the calf, imitating Ezra. Violet-Meadows patted a Loth-cat.

They walked on to the herb garden where Ezra showed the younglings which plant was corinelle. Giggling, Violet-Meadows picked a fragrant sprig. Jacen pulled one, too. Ezra knelt and plucked a large bunch of corinelle.

With his knees in the soft dirt, Ezra let the Force flow through him. The tranquility of Lothal faded away. Two lightsabers flashed, blue on green, in a marble hall. The scene shifted and he looked on an idyllic house surrounded by blue-green hills, rolling gently away to meet a stately forest. Then he heard a sound. He had heard the sound before. Singing. Soft, sweet singing. Ezra gave a gasp of excitement.

Jumping up, he scooped up Violet-Meadows and ran towards the house, waving the corinelle like a standard. He burst through the door, with Jacen close behind. Ahsoka sat meditating on a large cushion, with her children clustered around her. Sensing Ezra, she looked up.

"I have seen," he announced triumphantly. "Our path is becoming clear. We must all gather and take a stand. But first, I've got to finish the Loth-potatoes."

Author's Note: Everything on Lothal is a Loth-something, so I assume that their potatoes would be Loth-potatoes. On another note, Jacen Solo has the gift of Force-bonding with animals in the Legends novels, so I thought he and Ezra should bond over this shared ability. Thanks for reading! God bless you!

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