Chapter 9

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When the cab finally got Piers back to his room he immediately opened his journal and started writing the new song, completely inspired by Emmett's singing and how beautiful it was, and how it sent shivers up Piers' spine. Letting the gang out, Piers looked at his team, that looked quite confused on why he was still in the room and not in the tunnel. 

"Guys, you must've heard that guy sing. He was...amazing." Piers said writing the new song. 

The team, excited that their friend and master had finally gotten inspiration for the new song, had joined in, practicing the song all night, fine tuning parts, writing new ones, and even completing it. 

Satisfied with their work, the team went to sleep. Piers still thinking of the way Emmett had sung. 


Emmett has no idea that Piers was there when he was singing last night, he didn't know anybody was there in fact. The Subway Bosses got the train to the next station and Emmett was a little sad that he didn't see the famous rock star. Ingo noticed this and started teasing his brother about it  and Emmett ignored him for most of it, but started to realize that he might be catching feelings for him. 

"Ingo, I'm going for a walk." Emmet yelled once they got to the station and they had time before their next departure. 

"Alright, be safe. And, don't keep pouting about your boyfriend!" Ingo yells back, knowing that's exactly what his brother is going to do. Ingo didn't realize in the short time Emmet and Piers had known each other they would be so close, don't get him wrong he loves the fact that his brother is coming out of his shell and meeting new people, even falling in love, but he can't but help to feel useless knowing that his brother is in this sad mood because he didn't get to say goodbye. He loves his brother and wants him to be happy, plus he doesn't know when either of them will see Piers next. He may go back to Galar before they see each other again. 

Ingo just hopes that Emmet will be okay. Especially after her. 


Emmet just shook off his brother's remark, he knows he's just joking but the idea of dating someone again hurts him. Alisa was supposed to be the one, his one and only, he was sure he'd marry her one day. Despite her accusations of not him paying attention to her and putting work above her (which was true in some situations, like bringing Alder or Elise to and fro. They are important people after all), he never really did that. He'd spend the time he had off from work (which was a rare occasion in general) with her since he spent all day with his brother. 

Ingo never liked Alisa, he said she was with him because they're both famous in the region and known for being strong trainers, but also quite attractive in the right light. He always disagreed. She was a kind person, with a heart of gold who liked him for him.....


He shakes his head, Stop thinking of her Em, that's in the past. Just focus on the now. 

Emmet then reaches into his pocket and grabs his phone, he looks at the time and finds he has been walking around for about 20 minutes. That's fine, he can get him and Ingo a quick snack before they have to go for their next stop. He always dreads this next stop, it's the one where he first met Alisa and he never knows if he'll see her again or not. 

He then starts walking back to the station, stopping at the dollar store right next to the station to grab a few snacks for them, when he gets back into captain's quarters he throws the snack he got Ingo at him and sits in his chair. 

"Here we go, Ingo, Battle or Front?" 

The brothers usually switch where they are in the train so nobody knows who they'll fight in the Battle Car, but on some occasions if the other isn't feeling a certain station, they'll ask the other what they feel like doing. Emmet, honestly wants to be in the Front today because he knows if he sees Alisa he doesn't know what he do. Ingo knows this too. 

"I'll take battle. Thanks for the chips by the way." Ingo says. He doesn't mind taking the battle car every time they do this run, but he hopes that one day Emmett will have the courage to get away from the front on this trip. 

 A/N I'm back because I've got nothing else better to do and I feel like writing!

Cry me a River - An Emmit x Piers Brainrot storyWhere stories live. Discover now