Chapter 18

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As Piers was walking on the stage he couldn't but help feel nervous. Of course, he knew this was going to happen but he didn't realize it feel like this. It's like the first time he went on stage in a new country. His hands are sweaty and he can't remember the words. His crew can tell and they look at him questioningly. Then he looks at the side and sees Emmett watching, smiling. 

You can do this. His eyes seem to say.

This makes Piers smile, not only does his crew believe in him, but also his crush. This gives him the courage to look out at the crowd and put on his usual happy smirk, ready to begin. 

"HELLO VIRBANK! ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FUN TONIGHT!?" He says yelling out his signature line. He sees Emmett chuckling on the side and as he hears the crowd scream his name, he feels that sense of adrenaline that he always does and signals to Drummer to start up the first song. 

"HERE WE GO!" He says as he starts singing the first lines. 


As the first song starts to play, Emmett starts to smile, Piers actually has a good voice and while his punk rock music might not be Emmett's cup of tea, preferring more classical pieces and some pop songs. He can't deny that Piers has a good voice and that his music is catchy, but he's never been to any of his concerts and if this is how it is, he definitely needs to buy a ticket. This seems fun. Piers is running around the stage singing and interacting with the fans in the front row and holding out certain notes that he usually doesn't. 

"He seems in high spirits today." Aaron, Pier's manager comes by. 

"Oh? Aren't you Piers manager? Hi, my name is-" Emmet began. 

"Emmett. I know. Yes, I'm his manager, Aaron. Piers told me he was thinking of throwing out the song he wrote about you. For the sake of his career, I told him he should. It ruin his career writing a song about a person." Aaron said. 

"Ah, so that's what the argument between you two was about." Emmett said loud enough that Aaron could hear.

"So he told you about it?" Aaron said. 

"He did, and I find it stupid of you to tell him, the writer of his own songs, what he can and can't write about. In fact, I actually gave him my permission to put the song in his next album. " Emmett said looking at Aaron. 

"Why? That song probably isn't going to bring in any new fans anyway." Aaron said.

"Last I checked, Piers has no problem bringing new fans regardless of his songs. Have you even heard the song?" Emmett said now glaring at Aaron. How in the name of Arceus could Piers stand with this person being his manager?

"No, but-"

"But nothing. If you haven't heard it I don't think that you've any right to tell him what will sell and what won't. If I were you I'd keep my mouth shut until you hear it, because you might be wrong and his star would die out. Trust me, my brother and I went through the same thing with our idea of the Battle Train and look at it now, it's the most traveled and famous train in Unova and some people out of the country have heard about it too." Emmett said. 

"True, but-"

"I don't know how the music world works? Well, I'm not stupid. I can guess. You think the song won't bring any sales to Piers, but Piers wants to write the songs he thinks will sell or has inspiration to write about. When you hear that a song hasn't been inspired by something you did or something having to do with nature or a certain city, you then try to convince him to throw it out and it's worked a few times, but this time it's not working out so you want me to convince him to throw it out, but then you learned that I gave him the greenlight but that's not stopping you from trying to convince me to change my answer, which won't work by the way. Or is it the fact that he wrote a song about a guy that worries you?" Emmett said looking at Aaron in the eye. 


"Are going to enjoy the show, while you scamper to the back, defeated." Emmett said with a tone of finality in his voice. Then Aaron grunted and walked towards the back entrance of the gym that happened to be near the green room. Emmett sighed and went back to watching Piers and his crew happily play their parts and he noticed Piers was looking at him out of the corner of his eye, and he shook his head and smiled and looked more relaxed. 


After the concert, Piers said thank you to the fans who came to watch him and walked over to a smiling Emmett. 

"Huh, so you can sing." Emmett said smiling. 

"You doubted me?" Piers said back knowing that he's joking.

"A little. I've heard of your talents but words are easily exaggerated."  Emmett said chuckling. 

"It hurts to know you doubted me Em." Piers said laughing.

"I'm sorry I've hurt you, what ever can I do to make it up to you? Do I have to travel to Galar and fight Marnie to be able to apologize?" Emmett said jokingly, but Piers liked the idea of Emmett going to Galar with him, but he knew he couldn't be that person who uproots another's life. 

"Yes, you need to beat Marns to talk to me again." Piers said. 

They both laughed and then Aaron reappeared making the mood fall dramatically. 

"Hey guys, nice to see you guys getting along, but Piers, you've got fans who want to meet you." Aaron said and Piers sighed. 

"I forgot about the Meet & Greet. Want to come with me Em?" Piers said looking at the subway boss. 

"Sure, why not?" Emmett said, then looked at Aaron daring him to stop him and Aaron looked mad. 

As Piers and Emmett walked to the Meet & Greet, Piers had to ask what happened that made Emmett get Aaron to shut up quickly. 

"How'd you get Aaron to shut up?" Piers said. 

"Oh, he approached me during the concert trying to convince me to get you to throw away the song about me and I told him no." Emmett said lazily. 

"He did what?" Piers said starting to get angry. 

"Yeah, but it wasn't anything I haven't seen before. Ingo and I had the same problem when he were creating the Battle Train. 'It won't work you guys' 'You should give up' 'Strangle those stupid ideas of a train where people are going to battle' etc. But look where it is now. We're famous all throughout Unova and some people out of the country know about it too." Emmett said nonchalantly. 

"Still, Aaron shouldn't have talked to you about that, that's my decision to make not his." He said now angry. How could Aaron go behind his back like that? He trusted him too. 

"Piers, don't worry about it. He retreated in defeat after I told him to get out of my sight. I'm used to the fame and how it'll affect my life. Don't you worry. I'll live." Emmett said, stopping to look Piers in the eyes. 

"O- wait, did you say you told him to get out of your sight?" Piers questioned confused. 

"Yes, I told him if he had nothing more to say to me then to try and convince me to do something I won't do then he can go scamper back to where he was and let me enjoy the concert." Emmett said not thinking. But Piers caught it and felt happy.

"Ah, so you enjoyed yourself did you? Glad to hear that." Piers said smiling that Emmett can take care of himself and enjoyed the show at the same time. 

"I did." Emmett said smiling. 

Then, before anything else could be said, they arrived at the area and Emmett froze. The smile disappearing in a second and Emmett staying in the spot he was when he looked at the area. 

"Em, you okay?" Piers asked. What happened? Why did he freeze?

"No way....." Emmett said his voice shaking a little. 

"What?" Piers asked and then pieces started forming. 

".....She's here......" Emmett said lowly that only Piers could hear and then the pieces fell into place. 

".....Alisa." Then a girl turned around and saw Emmett and Piers, who looked at her, cold, hard revenge being promised in his stare. 

"OH MY GOD PIERS! I'M SUCH A BIG FAN!" She said as she ran towards Piers, ignoring Emmett. 

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