Chapter 33

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Piers was walking home thinking of what Emmett said. He really said that he loves him. Piers couldn't help but smile. His crush might finally be ready, and Piers couldn't help but be excited, but he kills the hope quickly, in case he's wrong. 

As he walks into his house, he see's Marnie finishing up packing. He then remembers that the World's Champion tournament is happening next week.

"Getting ready to leave?" Piers said, taking his shoes off and closing the door behind him. 

"Yeah, tomorrow we check in and Monday we start." Marnie said. 

"Do you know who you're going against?" Piers asked. 

"No, I won't know until Monday." Marnie said. 

"Ah, when the triples start until it goes to singles?" Piers asked. 

How the tournament works is that Monday and Tuesday, are triple battles and whatever Champion teams are in the top 5 will go onto the single battles, where the champions fight each other without the help of others they brought with them, but that's during Thursday and Friday. Wednesday is the day off to rest pokemon and people. 

"Yep. All I know, is that everyone is staying at Wyndom Stadium." Marnie said. 

"Alright, I'll be watching it with the gang." Piers said, knowing that everyone in town will be watching the WCT. 

"I know. I'll do my best to represent us." Marnie said, determined. 

"Don't worry about us Marns, we know you represent us with everything you've got, but we are able to protect ourselves." Piers said. 

"I know. I've got to go, see you on Sunday Piers." Marnie said hugging her brother before she left. 

"See ya kiddo." Piers said smiling at his sister as she left. 

"Good luck Marns." 


Two days later and it's finally Monday and Piers is at home watching the WCT getting ready to start cheering his sister on. Eventually the announcer voice comes on and Piers turns the TV up a bit. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you for watching the World Champion's Tournament!" The announcer started and the crowd who was there roared in excitement. 

"As we know, the rules of the tournament are simple. The first two days are triple battles and the last two are single battles. In the triple battles, any pokemon can be subbed in, but to make everything fair, Dynamax, Terastralizing, Z-moves, and Mega evolution is forbidden! Every contestant can have a total of six pokemon!" The announcer says. 

Piers nods, he knows the rules. He's been to the WCT a few times. He never really understood that rule until he realized that not everyone has the same gimmick and sometimes, one team will have three different gimmicks instead of one and overpower everyone. Leon didn't feel this was fair in the triple battles, but fair in the single battles. 

"We have a special surprise this year, we've changed the way the battles will be presented this year!" The announcer said, making Piers look at the screen interested. They did something different every year, he wonders what this years change will be.

"This year, we will be doing the battles from where their starters for new trainers are in the pokedex." The announcer said. This interested Piers since every year the battles were decided by chance, not by Pokedex entries.

"Our first battle of the day is Kanto VS. Johto! On the Kanto side we have Red, Blue, and Yellow!" The announcer said and Piers had to turn down the TV for fear the yelling from the crowd would break the speakers. 

"And From Johto we have, Lance, Koga, and Karen!" The crowd went wild again. 

"Are both sides ready?" The referee said once both teams took their places and they both acknowledge the referee that they were ready. 

"Then, BEGIN!" The referee yelled as he moved out the way." 


1 hour later and the battle was over. In a surprise upset, the Johto Team won. Everyone was surprised, nobody expected the Kanto team to lose until further in the tournament. Lance surprised everyone when his Dragonite grabbed Red's Charizard and used Dragon rush then Blizzard on the Charizard and defeated it so easily. 

"The Kanto team is down! Johto wins!" Said the referee and the stadium cheered and booed at the same time, but this was expected. Red and Lance shook hands and congratulated each other. 

"What an upset, but remember guys, they aren't out of the game just yet. We did say the top 5 Champion's teams will go to the Single Battles. Tomorrow the losing teams will be able to go against each other in order to earn the fifth spot! The next battle between Hoenn and Sinnoh will take place in 15 minutes, so don't go anywhere!" Said the announcer and you could hear the shock in his voice.


15 minutes later the battle between Hoenn and Sinnoh was beginning. 

"The Battle between Hoenn and Sinnoh will begin shortly." Said the referee. 

"On the Hoenn side we have Steven Stone, Phoebe, and Drake!" The crowd roared. 

"On the Sinnnoh side we have Cynthia, Flint, and Bertha!" The crowd went wild hearing Cynthia's name. 

"Are both sides ready to begin?" Said the referee. Both sides said yes. 

"Then, let the battle BEGIN!" The referee said. 


An hour later another surprise upset happens and Steven's Metagross lands the last blow against Cynthia's Garchomp and it goes down. 

"The Sinnoh team is down, Hoenn wins!" said the referee. 

"WHOA! TWO UPSETS IN ONE DAY! First Red was defeated and now Cynthia?! What is in store for this years World Champion's Tournament?! Come back in 15 minutes when were we have Unova go up against Kalos!" The announcer said and this caught Piers attention. He wonders who will join Alder to represent Unova with him. 


15 minutes later the battle between Unova and Kalos was beginning.

"The Battle between Unova and Kalos will begin shortly." Said the referee.

"On the Unova side we have Alder and......." the announcer was interrupted by some fog flooding into the stadium. Then Alder made an announcement. 

"Don't you guys worry about the fog, it's here for dramatic effect!" He yelled laughing, and Piers couldn't help but be reminded of the time he fought Emmett in the Battle Train and started laughing, he guessed all Unova trainers liked their dramatic effect. Then Alder continued talking. 

"In all seriousness though. Recently, two of our favorite celebrities in Unova have been discredited by their own people. Today, my goal here is to bring back the respect the two deserve and show to the world why you should never discredit and idea, no matter how stupid it may sound on paper." Alder said, deadly serious, making Piers lean towards the TV. 

"I, Alder, present to you, the pride and joy of Unova's train system..." Alder started and Piers was shocked. No way....

"....The Champions of the Battle Train....." No....

".....The Twin Knights of Unova, Ingo and Emmett!" And then the fog cleared and a Rotom drone circled the twins standing back to back, smiling and then they both at the same time reached their hands out pointing in the direction of the field and yelled out 

"ALL ABOARD! VICTORY SHALL BE OURS!" They both yelled and the crowd exploded from excitement. 

Piers was torn and excited. What if Marnie and Emmett end up fighting? Who does he root for? Shaking his head, he can figure that out later. Right now, he must cheer Emmett on, but he started laughing. He finally realized why Emmett was keeping this a secret. He never left Galar, he stayed for an extra week. Piers couldn't help but be excited for this fight. 

Cry me a River - An Emmit x Piers Brainrot storyWhere stories live. Discover now