Chapter 40

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Piers looked at the article talking about him and Emmett and tried to find out who made it. He knew this would happen one day, but he didn't expect it to happen this quickly. His fans were all freaking out and trying to figure out if it's true or false and some are even saying that there's a picture of them kissing in the article. Then his manager called him. 

"What the fuck Piers?!" Aaron yelled. 

"I didn't expect the secret to get out this early." Piers said. 

"That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about you two being irresponsible and kissing out in public! This'll ruin everything!" Aaron said and Piers, already frustrated because he has yet to text Emmett about this hoping he hasn't seen it yet, snapped. 

"Shut the fuck up Aaron. I don't care. It happened and I'd do it again a thousand times. Now stop fucking judging my life based on what the hell it do for my career! I could care less about that! I love my fans, don't get me wrong, but if it means I can't be there for the ones I love them fuck being a rock star!" He yelled as he hung up and started texting Emmett. 

Love, there may be a problem.

I see it. Do you know what happened?  Shit, he's seen it.


From what I can tell, some photographer from the press took a picture of us when we were kissing on our date and, for some reason, didn't post it immediately until my new album came out. I think it's someone who has it out for me for some reason. I can get it taken down if you want love.



Well, we both knew it was going to come out one way or another. We're both pretty famous, so how about instead of trying to deny it and further prolong the inevitable, we just come out and say it?   

Piers looked at the text from Emmett in shock and then started laughing. He shouldn't have been worried, Emmett's usually pretty open about these things. He's also right, why keep it a secret anyway if it was invitable? 

Smart, love. I've got Galar?

I've got Unova.

Piers then contacted the local radio and set up an interview. He was ready to admit the truth. He was excited. 


A few days later, Piers walks into the station ready to admit his truth. He was ready to do this. He was ready to admit to the world that he's dating Emmett, even though he couldn't believe it himself. 

"Piers, you're on in five." the radio assistant said and Piers thanked him. 

Five minutes later, Piers walked into the recording studio and got everything ready when he heard the music stop and the DJ start talking again. 

"Hello guys, welcome back to AJ in the morning today we have an esteemed guest, we all know him and love him, we've got Piers!" The DJ whose name is AJ starts. 

"Hey guys. How are you all today?" Piers asked like he usually does during his concerts. 

"I'm doing good Piers, how are you?" AJ asked. 

"I'm doing great AJ, in fact my new album came out a week ago and its already been a hit." Piers said, steering the conversation there. 

"That is has, but it also has come with some backlash, I'm sure you heard the rumors that the last song on the Album is about one of the Subway Bosses from Unova." AJ started and Piers smiled. 

"I have heard the rumors. In fact, those rumors are a reason I came here tonight. I actually have Emmett, the subway boss in question, number and I asked him how he would like to attack these rumors and he's told me to tell the truth." Piers said smiling, stalling. 

"What's the truth?" AJ asked. 

"That yes, I did write that song about him. I wrote that song the second I realized I had a crush on him. I'm also aware that there is a picture of him and I kissing floating around, that was the night I asked him to be mine, and he said yes." Piers said smirking, shocking AJ. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I just want to point out, that you can't see this, but Piers looks like he just told us he owns the world. Congratulations man!" AJ said and Piers started laughing. 

"You saw how he fought during the WCT, he's amazing. He's strong and cute, and funny. I absolutely love him." Piers said with no shame. He wasn't afraid to say it and he'd never be. 

"Do you think this will effect your career in anyway Piers?" AJ asked. 

"Maybe, but I don't care. I'm happy and that's all that matters." Piers said. 

"Good for you Piers. I wish you and Emmett the best of luck." Aj said. 

Then the two started talking more and finally, it was time for Piers to leave and he did seeing a text from Emmett that he got his part done wondering how his day went. 

My day was great cutie. AJ's cool, so he didn't judge or anything. He wishes us the best.

That was nice of him. I just hope everyone else will be as accepting. 

Who cares about what everyone else thinks? As long as we've got each other, I don't care who says what.

Wise words love. 

I know. I'm just full of wisdom. 

Lol, don't get too far ahead of yourself. 

:o I'm offended cutie. 

:) I love you. 

-_- Don't believe you. 



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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