Chapter 24

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Emmett was walking back to the front car feeling furious with himself. How could he do that? Not even given a chance for Piers to strike back, just move after move. He was just going to surprise him with the title and show him just a bit of how strong he was, he expected him to go all out like he did on Ingo. When he got back to the front car, Ingo looked at him and started laughing. 

"'The reigning champion of the battle car, The White Knight Emmett'? I thought you weren't one for titles Em." Ingo said then noticed his brother looked mad. 

"Woah, woah, you okay?" Ingo said getting up from his chair as his brother furiously threw himself into his. 

"Just, I should've gone easy on him. I didn't realize that he'd go easy on me until Bass went down." Emmett said taking his hat off and staring outside. 

"Then you continued to decimate him because you knew that if you started to go easier then he would've suspected something." Ingo said, finishing the thought. 

"I'm frustrated with myself. How didn't I realize that he was going to go easy on me?" Emmett said putting his head on the window. 

"Because you thought he wasn't going to hold back with the smack talk he was doing beforehand." 

"I didn't realize he was going to be so intimidated by the title." Emmett said trying to make himself laugh and Ingo realized this. 

"Aha, so you do admit, you wanted to intimidate him with the title? Em, I didn't realize this was something you wanted to do to your dear boyfriend." Ingo said, teasing Emmett. 

"He's not my boyfriend!" Emmett said, bright red looking at his brother. 

"Not yet anyway. Don't think I don't see that piece of paper in your pocket. He gave you his number didn't he?" Ingo said smiling making Emmett turn an even brighter shade of red. 

"M-maybe." Emmett said. 

"Did you text him yet?" Ingo asked. 

"No, he gave it to me before the battle. I haven't had a chance to text him yet." Em said before he looked at something else. 

"Then grab your phone and text him you idiot!" Ingo said throwing Emmett his phone. 

"What do I even say?" Emmett said. 

"Hey, It's me Em, just making sure you got my number?" Ingo said like it was a no brainer. "Come on Em, this is your chance to stay in contact with Piers even when you're up here doing what we do." Ingo said, he wanted his brother to be happy and Piers made him happy. 

"Alright, I'll text him. Just let me make sure everything is okay." Emmett said trying to make sure that he could relax for a bit. 

"God, if you keep up like this, I might have to run the train by myself." Ingo said laughing. 

"What no?! We started this together, we're going to finish this together right?" Emmett said. It's what they agreed on when they started the Battle Train. That they'd do this until they could retire or found replacements or just couldn't continue for some reason. 

"I know, but I wouldn't blame you if you moved to Galar to be with Piers." Ingo said sadly. 

"Whoever said I was moving? We're in this together In, we always will be." Emmett said sternly. 

"Whatever, we'll talk about this later." Ingo said, walking out the door. 

"Wait, Ingo, where are you going? Ingo, no, we need to talk about this now! I'm not going anywhere-" Then the door shut and Emmett knew Ingo wasn't going to talk about it anymore than he was. So he grabbed his phone and the piece of paper and started texting Piers. 

Cry me a River - An Emmit x Piers Brainrot storyWhere stories live. Discover now