Chapter 25

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The train gets into the station and Piers gets nervous. How is he going to tell Emmett he has a crush on him? It should be easy, he's called him cute multiple times and even kissed him on the cheek. Then the speakers came on. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for riding the Battle Train into Castelia City. We wish you the best." 


I need to go in to see the station Manager. But don't think you're gonna get out of this easily. 

I wasn't going to leave until I talked to you anyway. 

Good. That sounded so rude. I'm sorry. 

It's fine Em. I knew what you meant. 


Oh lord. What was he going to do? He had time to wait until he came back which would long? He doesn't know. Should he just tell him straight? Should he beat around the bush? Should he get him flowers or chocolate? What was his favorite flower or chocolate? How was he going to do this?

He's never told someone that he had a crush on them and the fact that he may never see Emmett again worries him. What if he rejects him? What if isn't interested in him? What if-

"You're overthinking there Piers." Said a voice making Piers jump, and when he came around he noticed he was outside the train having Ingo check his ticket again. 

"Ingo. You're right, I am overthinking. I just don't know what I'm going to do." Piers said nervously, how do you tell your crushes twin brother you plan on telling them that you have a crush on them. 

"Wait here for a minute and I'll give you some advice. I just gotta finish checking these tickets and making sure people get off the train alright." Ingo said with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Okay..." Piers said as he stood to the side. 


A few minutes later, Ingo walks back up to Piers. 

"So, your last day in Unova. You going to tell Emmett how you feel?" Ingo said. 

"That's the plan. I just don't know how. What if he doesn't like me and we stop talking?" Piers said, summarizing his fears. 

"Trust me Piers, he likes you. Why do you think I've been teasing him endlessly about you?" Ingo said smiling. 

"You have a point but I've never had or told someone that I have a crush on them." Piers said, sitting on his suitcase looking at the floor. 

"I mean, he's just so cute and adorable and kind and funny. What's there not to like about him? I just don't think he'd be all that interested in me. He'd never see me, the only way we would be able to talk is over phone and even then, the time zones are so different. When I'm going to bed, he's waking up. Why would he subject himself to that?" Piers said looking at the stone floor. 

"You're not just worried about telling him you like him, you're worried about what might happen if he says yes." Ingo began. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I just stated the obvious, but think about it. If he says that he also has a crush on you, some new things might begin. Knowing my brother he already thought about all of this and is just waiting for the right time to speak. He might not want a relationship right now. Just someone he knows that isn't related to him that jump at the opportunity to be with him like you." Ingo said. 

"That's my problem though. I'm selfish. I want to be with him, be we're oceans apart or just a few miles. But I have to return to Galar to make my new album. To help Marns rebuild Spikemuth. I can't stay in Unova. I don't want to put him through the stress of a long distance relationship, wondering if I'm still being true or not." Piers said deflating. "Not to mention the rumors if I see a female fan and smile. If the press see's me conversing with a fan they're going to assume we're a thing." He said fully deflated. 

Cry me a River - An Emmit x Piers Brainrot storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя