Chapter 19

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I want to push her off. I don't want to be a rock star right now. I want to push her off so bad. 

After Piers' inner monolouge, the girl, Alisa, peels off of Piers and starts talking. 

"Oh my god, I'm such a huge fan that I spent the extra money from my savings to see you!"

"Really?" Is all he could manage to say with some dignity and repose of a rock star, while Emmett was still frozen in shock. From what Piers knew of panic attacks, it didn't physically look like he was having one but his eyes were glazed and frantic. He needed to get Emmett out. Now. 

So, he boldly grabbed Emmett's hand and pulled him behind him and he felt the subway bosses hand shake in his. That's bad, that's all he knew. Sadly, the she-witch in front of the rock star saw him suddenly bring Emmett behind him. 

"Emmett? What are you doing with Piers?" She asked with confusion and disdain, and he couldn't help but glare daggers at her for the disgust in her voice. He was still shaking and being called out by his ex was forcing him down a really bad hole. 

"No." Said Piers with great force. 

"What?" Alisa said "Piers, what are you talking about?" 

"You won't get close to him." He said with a snarl in his voice. 

"What?" She said confused. 

"You won't get close to him. You won't talk to him. You've hurt him once and I won't let you hurt him again, so if I hear you're even within a few feet of him I won't hesitate to do the same thing Ingo did and absolutely decimate you in battle in front of the largest crowd I can muster. Do you understand me?" Piers said growling. 

"But.. Piers. He isn't anything special. Sure, he's one of the two subway bosses, but other than that, he's just another workaholic. Why are you trying to protect him?" Alisa asked.

At this point Emmett, trying to focus his breathing, is laying his head against Piers' back whose getting more and more mad every second this woman talks.

"Isn't anything special? How in the name of Giratina is he not special? Because he was focused on work instead of you? Yeah, I know about you're guys' history and frankly, it disgusts me that you would put yourself first instead of the man whose working himself to the bone. You are one of the people that I can't stand. The fact that you haven't learned that everything isn't about you is frankly, saddening. You were spoiled for most of your life weren't you? It shows. Now if you excuse me, I need to take my friend home. He's been up all night and most of the day and he's tired." He said about to push Alisa from the side. 

Too shocked to speak, Alisa stood in her spot frozen. Her celebrity crush just basically told her he's disgusted by her. That he wants nothing to do with her. He's putting Emmett before her... how is that possible? Everyone always put her first in her life. That's why she left Emmett, because he put work above her, that's just how it should be right? 

Then, Piers turned around to say one last thing to Alisa and her friend who was recording the situation. 

"Also, if you haven't figured it out, my new song that I'm proud of is about Emmett. And to the one recording this conversation, delete that video now. If you don't, Tempo knows what to do." He says, closing the door leaving the girls in the meeting area with the Malamar. He doesn't like doing that, but for some reason, he's been having Tempo rewrite memories and such lately. He can't forgive himself or this incessant use of it. He hopes one day Tempo will slap him out of whatever spell he's in. 

Eventually, he gets Emmett back to the dressing room and helps him sit in the chair. He can tell that Emmett is trying to regain control of his breathing, and he notices a pokeball moving around in Emmett's pocket he grabs it, hoping that this isn't really a breach of privacy and Emmett can forgive him for it, he opens it and an Elecktross comes out and hugs Emmett. 

Cry me a River - An Emmit x Piers Brainrot storyWhere stories live. Discover now