Chapter 26

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Emmett froze. He didn't expect that question, but he should've honestly. He didn't know his answer yet. He knew he had a crush on Piers, but was he ready for another relationship, let alone, a long distance one? He was never one to run from a challenge but this is a relationship, it's not something you can just half ass. Was he ready? Or does he need to wait? 

"...What about the distance? And the time zone?" He heard himself say, from what seemed like far away. 

"I know. I was thinking about that too. I honestly don't know how we'd get that to work with our schedules. The distance wouldn't really bother me, the press would though. If I'm seen even smiling at a fan, who knows what the press would say. I'd like to try though." Piers said nervously. 

Emmett conceded that Piers had a point if he was seen smiling at some random chick on the sidewalk who was a fan, as someone famous he can understand what's happening but the press doesn't. They're schedules are pretty hectic, while Emmett's more concrete it can still change depending on what or WHO is going through Unova. Piers' is more complex because he can work whenever he wants to, but he also has deadlines to meet for new albums and new songs to hype up the album and then the sequential tour that he then has to help plan out and on top of all that he has his concerts he has for Spikemuth, not to mention spending time with his sister. 

When would they have time?

"Can I propose a compromise?" Emmett says his voice still light. 

"Of course." Piers says. 

"I say, for now, we stay friends and figure how we'd communicate and everything. I'm not saying no, I just don't want to get my hopes up that we could talk regardless and then it never work out and the lack of communication jeopardize everything. Plus, if I'm honest I don't know if I'm ready for another relationship..." Emmett says. 

Piers looks at Emmett, and while he's kinda hurt that he's being friend zoned, he understands why so it hurts less. Emmett just got away from a toxic bitch. Why would he just want to jump back into the pool? But Piers knew he'd regret it if he never told him in person. Plus, they both don't know what they're going to do with communication too. 

"Smart, cutie. I'm not going to force you into anything. If you want to stay friends until we figure out everything, that's totally understandable." Piers said, smiling at the subway boss in front of him, who looks confused. 

"R-really? You're not mad? or hurt?" Emmett said, not believing him in the slightest. 

"I'm not mad. Do you really think I'd call you a cutie if I was mad at you? I'll admit, I'm kinda hurt that I've been friend zoned, but I understand where you're coming from. We'll take this as slow or fast as you want. Trust me." Pier said, grabbing Emmett's hand as said boy turned pink.

"Okay." Emmett said, trusting him. 

Piers smiled and lifted Emmett's hand kissing the back of it, making direct eye contact with the owner while doing so, making Emmett turn a bright red. 

"Thank you cutie." Piers started then looked at the time, "Crap, I've got to go. I'll text you when I get to my plane okay?" Pier said, letting go of Emmett's hand and grabbing his luggage about to run at full speed to the airport. 

"Wait." Emmett said making Piers turn around to look at him and before he could stop himself he pecked Piers on the lips and moved back to see Piers stunned. 

"Be safe." Emmett said before jumping onto his train and shutting the door. He needed to walk away before he kept Piers for longer. Speaking of which, after the door shut Piers snapped out of it and ran full speed, being careful to not hit anyone or get hurt in the process, to the airport and he got there barely in time. Had he been another minute late he would've missed his plane, which he wouldn't have been entirely sad about, but that means he'd have to deal with Aaron and Marnie on him for being late. 

Emmett walked to the front car with the flowers and his hat in his hands humming to himself, when Ingo saw this he smiled. 

"I told you he liked you." Ingo said, smiling. 

"I know. I just hope everything goes well." Emmett said. 

"What do you mean?" Ingo said wanting to know what happened. 

"We made a compromise. I don't know how ready I am for another relationship so I asked him if we could still be friends while we figure out how we're going to communicate and if I am ready for another relationship and he said he understood and accepted that I didn't know if I was ready and didn't want to jump into the deep end right away." Emmett said as he was trying to figure out where to put his flowers. 

"Man, my brother caught a good one. That was a smart move for you guys to do. Here, its my turn to do checklist so I'll find a good home for those." Ingo said grabbing the flowers that were in the vase from Emmett who was trying to find a way to put them on the none existent windowsill of their small train cabin. 

"Alright. I'll take care of them from there." Emmett said, walking with Ingo towards the entrance of the train so he could get things ready for boarding. 

"Ha. You don't have a green thumb to save your life." Ingo said laughing at the fact that his brother cannot take care of a flower for the life of him. Emmett once got a house cactus and was determined to keep that alive and within a few months it died and he had no idea what happened. He followed every single instruction that Cilian gave him to the letter, put it in the sun, but don't let it soak up too much sun, keep it in a warm climate, don't over water it, check the soil every few weeks to see if the soil is dry, if it's dry give it some water, but not a lot. Nobody could figure that out, but it was still funny. 

"Shut up. You're not any better Mr. I've never had a plant in my life." Emmett said laughing at his brother as he disappeared to wait for boarding. 

Ingo couldn't help but smile, his brother was definitely in a better mood then he had been in weeks. He was glad for that, he wasn't pleased seeing Emmett as a husk of his old self after Alisa and it seem's Piers was able to bring his joyful brother back to him. 

"I owe you Piers." Ingo mumbled to himself as he put the flowers in the second car, in the middle of the table that was there for decoration that got a lot of sunlight and Emmett could see it whenever he wanted. Ingo smiled and walked to the next car to finish the checklist. 

Cry me a River - An Emmit x Piers Brainrot storyWhere stories live. Discover now