11. Equal

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Hello? hehe UwU



Kujou Tenn never thought that he would end up with his twin in the shuffle team. Did Re:Vale know about their REAL relationship? Maybe. Did Tenn want to ask them about that? No. Because if their seniors actually didn't know, they will definitely ask what his connection with Riku.

That was something Tenn really didn't want to answer. With their current situation... Forget about being twins, they were literally a stranger now. He should be happy, since Riku maintained their professional relationship by always politely calling him 'Kujou-san'.

But why didn't he feel happy at all?

"Kujou-san, is there something wrong with the song?"

Tsumugi's words snapped him out of his mind. He glanced up from the music sheet on his hand. Rose quartz eyes met with onyx and pink ones. Both Iori and Tsumugi stared at him strangely, while Riku himself... still staring at the music sheet with emotionless expression. With a small sigh, he shook his head.

"No, nothing is wrong. You got permission from Anesagi for this song, right?"

The blond-haired manager nodded her head. "All of the songs have already been reviewed and got an ok from all production houses. But if there's anything you want to change, you can talk about it to Anesagi-san or myself."

"TRIGGER was... never given this kind of 'upbeat' song before, so it kind of surprised me. That our president allows this."

Suddenly a snort can be heard from the other side of the room, it was from Riku. All eyes went to him in confusion. The red head shook his head with a small chuckle.

"Seems like Sousuke-san learned his lesson."

Tenn's eyes narrowed at that. "What do you mean by that?"

But the red-head only gave him a small mysterious smile and a wink before the younger addressed the girl. "Thank you, Takanashi-san. Is there anything else that we need to know?"

Tsumugi went silent for a while, "I think that's all... ah!" She then bowed toward Riku's direction. "Thank you for allowing us to use your place again!"

"Ahaha, I told you it's fine. I'm the one that offered after all. And it helped to save time since I have a packed schedule as well. So, it's a win-win solution for all of us."

Tenn silently agreed with Riku's statement. With Terra's Atelier location, it was better for all of them to do the joint training here. Not only that, the facility surprisingly completed everything that they needed. There's even a small gym here.

Not only that, all of the staff here was very trained, full of experience. All of them. This place didn't feel like a personal training place at all. It felt more like a...

"My, my, Kujou-san. Are you sick? It's already the second time you lost your focus."

And again, Tenn snapped out of his thoughts. This time, by Riku's words. Tenn immediately put up his blank expression when he looked at Riku.

"I assure you I'm fine, Tsukumo-san." He glanced slightly at the slight bags under those crimson eyes, "Not like you, seems like you're not in your full health."

Both Iori and Tsumugi tensed up at that, staring warily between the two top idols. To everyone's surprise though, Riku let out a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha. Seems like I'm that tired to let you, from all of the people see that."

Iori frowned at that, "Tsukumo-san, with your reply now. Can I assume that you're currently sick?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Answered Riku while waving down at Iori. "It's just my usual sickness."

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