01. Found

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Disclaimer : I don't own IDOLiSH7 XD

And english is not my mother language, sorry for my bad grammar or any typo

Set before TRIGGER win new award artist at IDOLiSH7 : TRIGGER - Before the Radiant Glory

Edited : 21 February 2020


October, the month of autumn. Blush pink eyes looked around as he saw many brilliant red maple leaves around his current position. Tenn blow a hot air toward his hand while leaning at the fence, waiting for his band mates to arrive.

They, TRIGGER, just debuted a few months ago, their schedule usually very hectic. But their manager, Anesagi, said that they can rest it easy this few days. But next week, they will begin their hectic schedule again as idol from Yaotome production. For it has been confirmed that they were nominated for the new artist award.

The TRIGGER center didn't want to waste any his day off by resting, he wanted to learn for the sake of perfecting his performance, for the sake of his fans, he need to be a perfect idol. (In the back of his mind, Kujou Takamasa teaching kept on echoing.)

Rose quartz eyes looked up the cloudy sky, there's no sun that will bring warm yet. Since the sun being blocked by the thick cloud. Tenn eyes slowly closed, he can't help himself for not remembering.

Red hair and bright crimson ruby eyes that belong to someone from his past... Someone that he used to protect with all of his life... The brother he loved—love so much... And the brother he leaved behind and betrayed.

"Tenn-nii! Tenn-nii! Where are you going with that man!!! Tenn-niiiii!!!!"

Small hand of a child trying to reach out toward him. Bright crimson eyes filled with tears, pleading toward him. But with clenched hands... he ignored the plea and turn around. With hand holding to the man beside him and heavy heart, he leaved his most precious person... for that own person sake.

Even without turning around Tenn already know that there will be feeling of betrayal painted at that innocent eyes. Tenn didn't turn around, more exactly he didn't want too. For the most thing he fear was... there will be hatred painted at that bright eyes he love so much. The hate that being intended for him... for his heart won't be able to take that hate.

"Oi Tenn!"

Tenn snapped from his daydream and jumped slightly. He turned around and saw that his band mate already arrived. Two man whose older from him. Silverish blue eyes looked at him with narrowed eyes, though slight worry painted that beautiful eyes.

His leader always easy to read as ever.

"Oh, you two finally arrived. Gaku, Ryuu."

The silver haired man huffed while folding his hand in front of his chest "We already arrived a few minutes ago, i tried to call you since earlier but you didn't respond."

"Is that so..." Muttered Tenn

"Tenn, are you alright?"

Tenn turn around to look at the oldest member of TRIGGER. Ryuu bright golden eyes looking at him with worry. The brown haired man always such a worrywart, but Tenn didn't hate this side of Ryuu at all. In response of Ryuu question Tenn only nod his head to confirm that he was fine, he then turned around and ask over his shoulder.

"Shall we go now?"

Gaku and Ryuu look at each other and shrugging their shoulder before they followed Tenn. Both of them already began to get use to their center cold behavior. The three then walked toward a venue that slowly packed with people.

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