04. Interview and Award

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Sorry for any wrong grammar and typo

Edited : 28 / 02 / 2020


Blush pink eyes wandering around looking at the view around him, his gaze then stopped at both of his bandmate who talk with each other at another seat. Right now he was not really in the mood to talk, his bandmate notice that and respect that. And Tenn felt grateful for it, but he won't say it.

Three of them right now were lounging at the lounge in the hotel, with Tenn sat beside Ryuu and Gaku sat at the other sofa. Waiting for the interviewer to came. There were still some minutes left before the appointment time, but the one that supposed to be interviewed with them still not came yet.

He was feeling little bit nervous, it had been a long time since he felt this nervous. He can face his fans easily, standing on the stage, talking smoothly with staff and other worker. Since he was trained to be that way. But Tenn never thought that meeting his brother will make him felt like this.

"Did I come too late?" A melodious voice asking.

Tenn turned his head toward the voice. Standing with panting breath near where Gaku sat was Riku. The teen wearing his casual clothes and came here alone. Both Ryuu and Gaku perked up when they heard him came.

"Oh Riku, you finally arrived?"

"Yes I am." The red head then sat at the sofa beside Gaku. After he sat he looked around "I didn't come too late right?" Asked the red head with frightened tone. The other chuckled when they saw the red head face, even Tenn smiled slightly.

"No, you come right on time Tsukumo-kun." Answered Ryuu. Hearing that the red head sigh out in relieved breath. Then he remembered in his haste that he forgot he still not yet greet the other three.

"I almost forgot. Good morning you three!" The red head smiled brightly to three of them. His greeting was answered by the other three. But before they can talk with each other the interviewer from Diamond Disk Committee already arrived. The person who came were a young woman and a man.

And with that the interview began. The first one that being interviewed was TRIGGER. Tenn answered all the question that being asked to him smoothly and complete with his professional smile. When the interview asked Gaku some question, Tenn glanced at his brother form.

To his surprised, Riku was looking at him with blank gaze. Nothing painted at that crimson red ruby, but Tenn can saw it even only slightly. Sadness and... disappointed? When he blinked it disappear, and Riku only smiled toward him. Before Tenn can do anything his focus was averted when the interviewer asked him a question.

And now it was Riku's turn. The teen was asked with some question, not really different with TRIGGER's question. Until the interviewer asked something that different.

"Tsukumo-kun, if you don't mind me asking this since this topic was asked by your fans. It is true that you are adopted by Tsukumo Ryuusei?"

The interviewer suddenly dropped a bomb just like that. It was a hot topic that being asked around at 'Terra' fans circle. Since the teen revealed himself many speculated that the teen was being adopted by Tsukumo Pro. With how different the look of the teen and the president of Tsukumo pro was.

All eyes locked to the red haired teen, even Tenn. The pale haired teen wondering what will Riku said, since it will bring a lot of scandal if the teen answered the question truthfully. Like for the example there will be a gossip that Riku using his adoption for debuted easily, etc.

The teen then smiled and answered with "Yes, that's true."

Rose quartz widened when he heard that, was his brother wanted his career to stop here?! Before the interviewer can ask again, Riku opened his mouth and continued his answer.

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