06. Reunion of Old Friend

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Hello long time no see~

I'm still alive!!!! LMAO

Still struggling with my thesis but well at least there's development orz

Un-betaed. All mistake belong to me.

Edited : 28 / 02 / 2020


At certain place, it can be seen that six people were walking at the sidewalk. They just returned from watching a Terra's Live. There's no sound came from any of them, still filled with awe from earlier performance. That's it until a certain pale blue haired teen shouted.

"That's so amazing!!!!!"

"Yotsuba-san, please calm down. We're still outside."

"But Iorin! You can't say that you didn't felt being awed by Rikkun performance earlier! It's so amazing!"

"Well... I never said that earlier performance is not good."

"See! See! Iorin like it too!"

"I didn't say it!"

While the two bickering with each other, the other four walking behind the two. Yamato only shook his head seeing their youngest member feeling hyper. Well no one can blame him after seeing Terra performance earlier.

"It's really are amazing though. I already went to his many Live, and it still amazing as ever." Sougo muttered out.

"I wonder... can we reach that kind of performance? It's so perfect that there's no word that can describe it." Mitsuki said it out while feeling shaken. To think all of them need to be like that if they wanted to surpass Zero.

Then Mitsuki was being snapped out of his though by a sudden tackle from his side. He staggered slightly before he glared toward the culprit.

"Nagi what was that for?!"

"Mitsuki! You're frowning! You can't become a good idol if you can't smile, so smile! Mitsuki is cuter when he smiles!" Nagi said it out loud while moving Mitsuki's mouth up with his finger.

Hearing that Mitsuki can't helped himself to not laugh. Trust Nagi to easily lifted up someone feeling. Yamato who saw this only sighed fondly before he glanced at Sougo.

"Sou, what's wrong? Feeling overwhelmed by Terra's performance?"

"You can say that. He's one of the idol that i look up to. So to be able see another of his performance, i feel so happy." Sougo smiled when he said it.

Yamato then smirked "It will be better if you can meet him directly."

"... I think I will faint if that happened."

"It's alright Sou, i will catch you if that happen." Yamato teased the younger

Sougo sighed before glancing at Yamato "You don't need to since it won't happen."

All of them kept on talking with each other, until someone literaly slammed to Yamato's back. Making the leader of I6 staggered to the front and winced slightly. The man turned around feeling annoyed, but when he looked to the back he saw it was a... teen? The teen was wearing a hat and glasses, breath labored like he was just running.

"Are you alright?" Sougo asked, feeling worried for the teen condition since he was panting heavily.

Hearing Sougo question the other four who walked on the front stopped walking and turned around. Now I6 member attention were at the teen. The teen gulped for an air a few times, just when he opened his mouth, many harsh voice come from not far behind the teen.

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