15. Tsukumo Ryou part 2

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An hour passed since Tenn left his teammates and the building. He used the first 55 minutes to ponder in his mind. The other 5 minutes used to walk around the park, with Tsukumo Ryou.

Rose quartz eyes darted around, it was only trees, bushes, and a single pathway that he and Tsukumo Ryou currently use. They were still in the park. And for the first time in his life, Tenn wanted to run away from someone. And that person was currently his brother's big brother.

Tenn massaged his brow. It was kind of mess inside his own mind with many problems and revelation that came endlessly these few days. He didn't even have time so sort of his own mind. He kind of felt overwhelmed with everything. However, there's no way he will show it. Especially here.

"Fufu, your face looks like I will do something bad." Chuckled out the other.

His attention went to the person that walked in front him. The purple head was currently facing him, walking backward with a mischievous smirk still on his face. Tenn put down his hand, before he stopped walking and folded his hands on his chest. This made the other man stop walking as well.

"Just out with it, Tsukumo Ryou." Rose quartz eyes narrowed suspiciously, "What do you want?"

The man let out a hum, as he walked closer to Tenn. He didn't stop there, Ryou walked around Tenn. Circling the younger, blatantly inspecting Tenn like he was something to be observed. But the soft-pink head only watched uninterestedly toward the other. Posture and expression calm.

Ryou stopped in front of Tenn, a hand on his chin while the other on his hip. Expression clearly said he was in wonder. Head tilted slightly to the side and body leaned forward with eyes still stared at Tenn intently.

"You two are twins, yet your mannerism and look are completely different." The man leaned back with both hands on his hips, "That's fraternal twins for you!"

"Are you done?" Tenn felt irritated now, just what did this person want?!

Suddenly hands clamped down his shoulder, in vice grip. It was hurt, that it made Tenn flinched. He opened his mouth as he looked up, words of protest began to forming. But it stopped with a choked breath.

Rose quartz met with golden cat-eyes like. What Tenn saw made him widen his eyes and almost stop breathing. Those eyes... They were slightly different now. There was madness, there was insanity... and there was sorrow.

One hand slowly brought up, silently ended up on the owner's lips that turned up into a scheming smirk. The man made a shushing motion toward Tenn. The younger could only stare in confusion, and fear.

'What's going on now?!'

"Tenn-kun~ Do you want to hear some secrets?"


Not even waiting for him to answer. Ryou grabbed Tenn's hands harshly, and dragged him toward a tree. He pulled the younger one behind the tree, hiding him there. Before the idol could say anything, the other made a shushing motion again. Ominous smile on his face, with eyes glinted with deviousness.

"Hush, Tenn-kun. If you want to hear something interesting, better be a good boy and stay silent, alright?"

The man walked back toward the pathway, leaving Tenn behind the tree, unseen from the pathway. Dumfounded, Tenn stayed there for a while. Thinking, just what happened. But Ryou only silently standing in the middle of the pathway.

This was ridiculous.

Just when he wanted to walk away from there, a rushed footstep came closer. It was Riku. The red-head was jogging slightly while holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

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