20. Revelation part 1

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Once upon a time, he always believed whatever his adopted father said. If the man said it was the best for him. Then he would think it was the best as well. If his adopted father said that he needed to train, he would do it. If the man said he needed rest, he would do it.

But now... after hearing the man he looked up as being the one behind his brother's best friend's death...

A hand landed on his shoulder, snapping him out of his spiraling mind. Hazy rose quartz eyes looked up and stared at his teammates worried expression. Gaku's expression was unusually calm, but Tenn could see the tremor there. Even Ryuu who sat on the other side couldn't say anything.

"Damn it..." Tenn cursed,

"Tenn." Ryuu muttered softly

Currently, they were seated outside. After finishing with the rehearsal, TRIGGER immediately went outside, seated at the park near Zero Arena. No one uttered words ever since Yuuto's revelation.

With a sigh, Tenn stood up before slowly walking toward the railing. Both hands folded on the railing, his eyes lost on the surface of the lake. Mind went back to the conversation earlier. The truth of Terra, part of Riku's past that was unknown to Tenn.

The very past that might be the force behind all Riku's actions and decisions. The reason why Riku was still moving forward, the reason why the younger kept trying to be the best.

"Oi, Tenn." Gaku suddenly spook up, expression solemn yet his silver eyes glinted with confusion.

"What is it, Gaku?" Asked Tenn as he glanced at his leader who was still seated at the stairs.

"It might just be my feeling, but something doesn't feel right..."

"Doesn't feel right? What do you mean by that?"

Gaku rubbed his back neck, feeling unsure, "Earlier... Ametsuchi said Riku declared a war with that song. But, both your adopted father and Tsukumo Ryuusei are not there. So why sing there? And why today?"

That immediately made Tenn act, rose quartz eyes widened. A hand immediately reached toward his pocket to take out his phone. And his fear confirmed. There was a single unread message in his phone.

"Tenn?" Ryuu called out worriedly, his Center's face already pale.

"He is here..." Muttered the younger weakly

Before the other two could ask the other to elaborate more, they heard it. A footstep. But it sounded unsteady. Their heads snapped toward the sound. And a man appeared. He was a thin man, with unhealthy pale skin colors, his black hair in disheveled state, turquoise eyes staring around wildly, before it ended on Tenn.

The man gritted his teeth before stomping toward the younger. Hands immediately grabbed Tenn's shoulders, squeezing so hard that it made the teen immediately flinch in pain.


"I won't allow... won't allow it... Th—that MONSTER! I won't allow him to take Zero's throne!" The man's wild eyes stared at him as he kept on shouting, "It will be my Tenn! My Tenn will be the one that surpasses Zero!"

A pair of hands grabbed the man's wrist, making Takamasa release his hold on the younger's shoulder. Another person grabbed Tenn, gently, and dragged him to hide behind a body, it was Ryuu.

Gaku glared fiercely towards the man that grabbed his center painfully, the one that made Tenn making a frightened face. From what Tenn called the man, this person was Kujou Takamasa, Tenn's very own adopted father. 

Takamasa swept aside Gaku's hold, and the silver-head let it. He stepped back, making sure to be in between the man and his other teammates. The man gritted his teeth, trying to step forward, hand hovering like trying to grab Tenn again.

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