08. Loyalty

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Tenn watched the calm water of the man-made lake in front of him. He sighed out tiredly. Gaku found out the truth about the song when the older man saw an old tweet... that contain the video of I6 singing natsu shiyoze. When the silver-haired man confronted Tenn about it... a fight almost broke out, thankfully Ryuu was there to calm them both. As soon as TRIGGER finished with work, they immediately confronted their president... and had a talk.

It was really good... for finally making the man hear some of their opinion. But... Tenn then clutched his chest, a thin smile adored his face. He never though he could get closer with Gaku and Ryuu. He always being taught to be professional, think everything was only a business. Both Gaku and Ryuu were supposed to be only a business partner, and yet...

He let out a sigh as he watched the water surface again. His mind filled with so many thought now. And IDOLiSH6... to think that TRIGGER will met with what new group for so many times now.

Suddenly he heard a sound of foot step beside him... and find the center of IDOLiSH6, Izumi Iori walked toward where Tenn was. Then the black-haired teen noticed him.

"Kujou Tenn..."

"Izumi Iori."

And the two perfectionist having a talk...

About what it means to be an Idol...

What it means to love fans and loved back by them...

Unknown to the two... there were other people watching them from afar. Ruby eyes and peridot eyes watched as they interact, the owner of ruby eyes turned around and saw there were other people there. He watched as all member of the two idol group slowly gathered at that place.

Yet he did nothing except to watch. He kept on watching as the two group gave each other a smile, a challenge... a healthy rivally. Crimson red eyes watched with longing... of something he wouldn't ever had.


Riku turned around and saw Yuuto stood behind him with worried gaze. Seeing this Riku eyes immediately softened and he smiled.

"Somehow... I always make you worry huh... Yuuto-nii."

The older man smiled softly at the red-head when he heard the nick name that once the red head use for him. Then need to change it because of circumstance. But sometimes the younger called him that when he felt vulnerable...

"Because someone need to. I promise that kid after all, and it's my own wish as well. Staying by your side, Riku."

Crimson eyes slowly fluttering closed as the owner smiled softly. Few seconds later Riku looked up toward the sky with nostalgic expression, unknown emotion painted his face.

"Almost five years... huh..." One of his hand then raised toward the moon, then he clenched it into a fist. Like trying to grasp it. "Did you watched over me... Daichi?"

Yuuto watched his charge with solemn eyes, eyes then hardening when he heard the name 'Daichi'. It had been a while since his young master uttering that name... was the name of one of Riku's precious person.

The blonde haired man then glanced to where the other's idols were. Watching at they were chatting and smiled at each other... such simple things... yet his young master couldn't have it... couldn't afford to mingle closer... or there will be a consequence. Getting closer to Re:Vale already dangerous enough.

For Terra's biggest enemy is not only from outside source... but from inside as well.

The man then glanced back to Riku who still staring at the sky. Sometimes Yuuto wonder how was it fair that... those small shoulder carried a lot of things... hope, wish, dream... Yet with limited time.

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