22. Support

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Previously we got TRIGGER and Yuuto.

Now, i present you, Riku dan IDOLiSH6



A pair of ruby-coloured eyes staring at the palm of its own hands. Mind full submerged in its own world.

He tried to remember what else he needed to check for the big day. Earlier, he already checked the stage, and he talked with the staff as well. None were suspicious, since he recognized all of them. All the supporting equipment already checked as well. The costume, already prepared.

Now, what else—


That snapped him out of his mind, Riku blinked his eyes before he looked up. His eyes met with a pale-blue one on the mirror, it was Tamaki's. There were hands around his shoulder, the younger hugging him from behind with his chin resting on the red-head.

It seemed like all six members of I6 just arrived. Both TERRA and IDOLiSH6 were in one room, because Yuuto didn't want him to be alone, when the man couldn't accompany him. His manager really was a worry-wart.

But Riku couldn't fault the man for that.

A bright smile immediately graced Riku's face as he saw his childhood friend. He leaned back, burying himself in Tamaki's embrace.

"Good morning, Tamaki. Are you and everyone ready for today's event?"

Mitsuki was the one that answered with a wry laugh, "It will be a lie if we say we're not nervous." Then his mouth shifted to a grin, "But we assure you, we ARE ready."

Sougo let out a sigh, "Somehow I feel more nervous by thinking that I will be standing on the stage with Riku-san."

That made the red-head laugh, he then shifted around Tamaki's embrace to playfully smile at the older man, "Careful there Shougo-san, or I will bite you. Rawrrr." Said Riku as he roared slightly.

That managed to make the others laugh and Riku himself only winked, still playful. Iori then coughed lightly to compose himself, before he looked at Riku worriedly.

"Riku-san, how is your condition? We heard from Ametsuchi-san that the reason for your absence from rehearsal two days ago was..."

But the person himself only waved his hand in a dismissive manner, "It's fine, it's fine. Just a little bit of stress."

Suddenly, the arms around his shoulder tightened, making Riku look up at Tamaki. The younger teen looking at him with furrowed brows, clearly worried.

"Rikkun, are you alright? Is it because of meeting Kujou? Or are you worried about Tenten? Ah, but yesterday TRIGGER's performance was amazing, so maybe not."

That made everyone sweat drop, trust Tamaki to be straight forward. The red-head let out a huff,

"Well, there's a lot of things that I needed to think from this point forward." Riku then stared at Tamaki, "I think Tenn-san found his answer, with how amazing yesterday's performance was. Though, it won't affect the path that I already decided on."

Yamato silently stared at the red-head. An unknown gleam passed his green eyes. Even Nagi stared at the red-head with sad blue eyes.

"Riku-shi, your eyes looked like you're preparing to march toward a war. Ah no, you are already IN war."

That made Riku look at Nagi, "A good conclusion, Rokuya-san, my war already started a long time ago. But my enemies only noticed now." Ruby eyes gleamed with mirth, "I no longer can turn around, after Re:Vale anniversary done... it will be all out war for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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