17. Nanase

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Mannnn, to be honest, I have so many whiplash of emotion writing this part...

Hope you guys enjoy~



"I won't apologize, Riku." Period eyes looked over the rearview window. He watched as the younger hand stroked purple hair on his lap. Tsukumo Ryou was currently sleeping on his younger brother's lap, with the three of them in the car. On their way home.

Crimson eyes stared down toward the purple head that was sleeping peacefully and innocently on his lap. He then poked the older man on his cheek. But the gesture didn't budge Ryou, the older man was in deep slumber.

Peridot eyes narrowed slightly as he turned the wheel to the right, his composed yet flat tone accompanying their home trip.

"Those idols already got a lot of benefits from your 'contract'. And I refuse to let them continue to live in ignorance. That's why I let it be. Both of them."

Riku let out a sigh.

"So, you notice."

"Tsukumo Ryou did say it. Between you two, you are the better mastermind. So yeah, I do notice that you deliberately bring Yaotome-kun and Tsunashi-kun there. He didn't though" Yuuto glanced at Ryou slightly,

"And I know you let them know, so that they can be Kujou Tenn's support." The manager snorted, "Aren't you a kind one?"

"...Thank you, Yuuto-nii."

That startled the older man. This reaction was unexpected since Yuuto was so sure that Riku would be angry at him, "Why are you thanking me? I only did what I think is right."

Riku slowly shook his head, "For playing the bad guy. For making the hard decision in my stead."

That made Yuuto let out a shuttered breath, he parked in one of the parking lots. His hands hold tightened on the wheel. He then rested his forehead on the wheel, suddenly feeling tired.

"Should not that be my words to you?" The blond-haired manager let out a broken chuckle, voice cracked like holding back sob, "You did so much. This kind of thing... is too little and the LEAST I can do for you."

"But you CHOOSE to stay." Riku cut Yuuto immediately.

Yuuto snapped his head toward Riku, crimson eyes looking at the manager gently, with so much fondness. A soft smile painted his face. Moonlight shone down on him from the window. Giving the younger man a gentle and ethereal aura.

"Your choice of staying, even though I took away his place... you have the very right to hate me. Yet, here you are."

The red head went silent, he slowly looked outside. Staring at the moon with longing and some other emotion. Somehow, it was like Riku was going somewhere far away. So far that even Yuuto could not reach him.

"Riku." The one that was being called immediately looked back at the other, "You're not a replacement. You didn't take anyone's place. Both you and him have your own place in this world."

Riku's mouth opened slightly in shock, breath choked slightly. However, he let a smile on his face instead. This time, it was a grateful one.

"My... I feel so loved."

"Of course. I will make sure of it." Yuuto snorted, before he glanced at the man on Riku's lap. Eyebrows twitched in agitation, "Can I dump him outside?"

Riku, seeing his manager's sudden change of emotion, sweat dropped, "No, you can't."

"Damn." Said the man while clicking his tongue.

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