07. Unexpected

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... hi? hehe


Tenn was silently panicking, outward he only looks like thinking about something. But inward... he cursed his president. To suddenly canceled their performance a few hours just before it began. Was he trying to destroy TRIGGER image?! Their fans already waiting at Sound of the Ship venue.

Both Ryuu and Gaku were at the room as well. Ryuu trying to calm the seething Gaku. Their leader trying to contact his father, face furious. Tenn himself want to claw the president face right now.

Their manager was not helping at all. Though he understand Anesagi position, but can't she think about their fans too? Money... sometimes Tenn really wish he didn't learn the dark side of the Entertainment industry.

Gaku finally managed to connect to his father, but in the end the president didn't give his permission for TRIGGER to perform. And Anesagi ask (order) them to pack and prepare to leave, some of the staff tried to stop her and ask her to reconsider.

This was bad, TRIGGER image will be tarnished if this was being left alone.

Tenn inwardly cursed again. Why can't he do anything at all?! He was always training and training to become perfect. Yet right now... he can't do anything at all. Seeing his teammates frustration made him feel so hopeless. They should be only a business partner and yet...

All of them can heard the voice of confusion that came from the small television at their room. It was supposed to be their turn to appear, but the stage still engulfed by darkness. Their fans already felt restless, but Tenn alongside Gaku and Ryuu can only grit their teeth and screw their eyes shut in frustration.

Until a familiar voice cut the through their fans confused voice.

"Good evening everyone."

All heads snapped toward the television, standing on the stage was someone Tenn really know. Terra, Tsukumo Riku was standing on the stage alone, with single light illuminating him. A calm smile on his face.

Someone shouted Terra's name in glee, the venue suddenly filled with gleeful shout and shock. The venue becoming more and more noisy as second passed, but Riku only put a finger at his lips while hush-ing them. It really testify Terra charisma and ability to attract people, for the people instantly shut up with that.

"Terra here, sorry that i surprised all of you. I'm the secret guest that the staff prepare. I'm standing here now... to tell all of you some bad news." Riku take a breath here "Unfortunately because of some circumstance TRIGGER won't be able to perform."

Entire venue filled with disappointed voice, it becoming more noisy again.

"I'm filled with disappointment as well."

Their attention went back to the stage again, all of them can saw Riku's face filled with sadness, but he still smiled toward the audience at the venue.

"I'm too looking forward for TRIGGER performance, but circumstance won't allow it. Then the least i can do is to sing... will all of you allow me to entertain all of you?" The venue went silent again "I know i won't be able to replace TRIGGER since i am me, they are they. But will all of you let me sing for all of you?"

Tenn can't believed what he just saw and heard. He immediately act in instinct, he ran. He ran toward the back stage as fast as his legs can bring him. He ignored the shout of his name from his teammates. The risk Riku took is too high! If the fans rejected him, the media will instantly ate him.

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