Chapter 2

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"Big brother!" Yuki screamed, she leaped up and landed on Akira's stomach.

"Ack!" Akira grunted, he opened his eyes and Yuki was laughing and giggling while sitting on his stomach. "Yuki, you jumped on me again, I'm hurt, remember?" He sat up and carried Yuki on his back.

"You stay here with Hina, I have to get ready and go train," Akira told her, Yuki sat on the floor and screamed.

"No!" Yuki whined, she stomped her feet and clinged onto his leg. "You can't go! We have to go to the park today!"

"Yuki, I'll be back by the afternoon," Akira soothed, Yuki frowned and crossed her arms.

"No! I'm not letting you go!" Yuki demanded. "I will block the door and you cannot go!" Akira started to walk to the door after getting ready, he tossed on his cloak and clicked his sword to his belt. Yuki jumped from behind the sofa and wrapped her arms around his leg.

"Yuki, I need to go, everyone is still asleep so don't be loud," Akira whispered, he picked up Yuki and put her back onto the bed. "sleep for now."

"No," Yuki huffed. "Stay here," Akira sighed and stroked her head, and a couple minutes later, she was fast asleep and Akira walked out of the room.

"Akira?" Hina whispered, she came out of the bathroom, all freshened up and ready. "Are you going already?"

"Yes, I have to go, we have extra training hours so I need to attend that," Akira smiled. "I'll be back by the afternoon."

"D-do you need lunch?" Hina asked nervously, Akira smiled and shook his head.

"I don't think so, I'll be back by lunch time, usually I'd drop Yuki at the babysitting place, but she can stay here, are you alright with her around?" Akira asked.

"Of course, you live here, and she's going to stay here because you're family," Hina nodded. "Please be careful, Akira."

"Thank you Hina," Akira nodded, he wrapped his arms around her and Hina smiled. "You know, you'd make a very good wife."

"E-ehh?!" Hina shrieked, she blushed and clapped her hands on her cheeks.

"I'll be going!" Akira called, walking out of the door.

"W-wife?!" Hina whispered, turning as red as a tomato, she panicked and ran into the kitchen. "f-forget what he said, I need to make food! Don't panic!" She tried to distract herself by cooking rice, but she couldn't get over what Akira said.


"Just on time, Akira," Asahi told him. "In fact, you're one of the first ones here."

"I'm glad," Akira sighed, he then made a bored look as Asahi made that demanding bossy face.

"Hey! Haru! Sword, you dog!" Asahi demanded.

"Geez, just because you're the leader of our group doesn't mean we're your servants," Haru grumbled. "do things yourself."

"Calm down, dog," Asahi scoffed. "we're a three-man group, so we have our own strengths. I'm the strongest out of the three of us," Akira frowned at that statement, he knew that if he used his power of Asahi, he could make Asahi a pile of ash. But he cleared that thought and went with the flow.

"We don't know for sure," Akira shrugged, Asahi crossed his arms.

"Why bother doubting me, I'm the one with more experience here," Asahi said proudly.

"Shut up, nobody likes your shitty bragging," Haru hissed, frowning and crossing his arms.

"I can't believe you two are the ones fighting, and you guys are years older than me," Akira chuckled.

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