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Two Years Later---

"Okay, so what you do is you have to be quiet, since he's sleeping now, it's perfect." Yuki chuckled. "you sneak from behind the sofa and you jump right on his stomach."

"After?" Himari asked.

"He'll wake up!" Yuki replied, nodding. Himari went out of their hiding spot and snuck up to Akira, who was sleeping on the sofa. She leaped up and landed on his stomach, he coughed and woke up in an instant.

"Papaa!" Himari squealed.

"Himari? What are you doing?" Akira asked, sitting up in pain. "Why did you jump on me?" Himari looked at Yuki and Yuki rapidly shook her head, trying to tell her not to say anything.

"Auntie!" Himari nodded with crossed arms, Akira made a pissed off face and picked Himari up.

"Yuki! Is this what you meant by teaching her everything?" Akira sighed, Hina came out of the kitchen with a confused face.

"What's all the noise?" Hina called.

"It's nothing." Akira replied.

"Big brother! I was teaching her the family tradition!" Yuki protested.

"Good lord, what are they talking about?" Hina muttered, getting back to her cooking.

"Family tradition? Aren't you the only one who did this?" Akira asked blankly.

"Well yes, but since I can't do it, Himari will do it for me." Yuki grinned. "You don't want me to be sad, right Himari?"

"No!" Himari shook her head, Akira made a frustrated face and put Himari down. But then she clinged onto his leg and started climbing onto him.

"Himari." Akira frowned, Himari was giggling and giving him a cute face. "Yuki, how did you teach her this?"

"By words." Yuki replied. "like I said, if I can't do it, she will." Akira took Himari off and Himari made a sulking face.

"Climb?" Himari asked pleadingly.

"No, you can't." Akira sighed, Himari made an even sadder face and she started crying. "good grief."

"See?" Yuki shrugged. "the more reason to let her?"

"What's going on?" Hina asked, coming out of the kitchen again, she sat down in front of Himari and hugged her. "Alright sweety, stop crying and tell me what's wrong."

"Papa!" Himari sobbed, Akira crossed his arms.

"O-oh, uhm, how about you do something else? Climbing your dad isn't a good idea." Hina chuckled nervously, Akira sighed and lifted her up to his shoulders, she started suddenly giggling and cheering. "oh, maybe she just needed a ride."

"She wasn't actually crying, she usually fakes them so that I can give her what she wants." Akira smiled. "typical children."

"She seems very close to you though, she only lets you carry her a lot, she only tries to climb you, and she is always awake when you need to go for training." Yuki pointed out. "It's adorable."

"Reminds me of the child version of you, Yuki." Akira chuckled. "not letting me go to work, always playing with me."

"Of course." Yuki nodded proudly.

"I'm just going to have to deal with it." Akira sighed. "It's called fatherhood."

"Yup, also, when are we getting another baby in the house?" Yuki asked, Akira choked on nothing. Hina just turned pink.

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