Chapter 14

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"I got it!" Hibiki exclaimed. "I was able to open the portal!" Hibiki felt a sudden sharp pain in her stomach and toppled back, Yuki caught her.

"What's happening?" Yuki screeched.

"It's weird, this dimension took lots of power to reach." Hibiki replied.

"The portal is going to open from the monsters any moment!" Kiyoshi exclaimed. "get ready Akio and Hiroto!"

"Yup!" Akio exclaimed, he nodded at Hiroto and they made a huge forcefield of water and fire over the village.

"Good, try holding it while the warriors assemble!" Shiba exclaimed.

"Will do!" Akio exclaimed, blasting himself up with his fire, he made a thicker forcefield of fire above the thick water shield Hiroto made. Yuki and the others went inside the portal and entered the prison.

"What a hellhole." Kai muttered, Yuki's face horrified.

"Big brother was in this place for so many years?!" Yuki screeched,

"Seems like it." Itsuki shrugged, Mikan swatted his head.

"You're not making things any better, by the way." Mikan pointed out quietly, he had a pitiful face as Yuki's face was saddened and upset.

"Oi! Yuki!" Hibiki exclaimed, bonking her head. "Now's not the time to get sad! We'll fix this!" Yuki looked at Hibiki and nodded, Hibiki made a smile and nodded back.

"That's true friendship right there." Mikan smiled.

"For sure." Isamu grinned. "Remember the plan?" They all nodded and Shiba grinned.

"Alright, you kids stay together." Shiba ordered, suddenly, Hina came out of the portal and she was gasping.

"Hina?!" Yuki screeched.

"Yuki! What do you think you're doing?! Fighting without me?" Hina demanded, Yuki made an awkward smile and chuckled.

"U-uh, I was worried you might get hurt?" Yuki shrugged, Hina frowned.

"Then why did I train all these years? Oh stop being so silly." Hina chuckled. "I'm here to help, and I have five acquaintances with me that can be here whenever I ask."

"Alright." Yuki smiled. "I'm happy." Hina smiled back and looked at them.

"Guys, we should get ready, the puppets have already entered the village." Kiyoshi warned. "Someone needs to go through the halls."

"Who will?" Hibiki asked.

"Hm, I will." Kiyoshi nodded. "I'm powerful enough to go alone, I might find help, who knows."

"A-are you sure?!" Yuki screeched, Isamu put his hand on her shoulder.

"If there is anyone who can do it, It's Kiyo, I promise." Isamu soothed, Yuki sighed and nodded.

"Alright, I'll try getting any prisoner out as well." Kiyoshi added, running into the hallways.


"What a miserable place." Kiyoshi muttered to himself, he sensed a very very strong aura coming towards him, and out of nowhere, he bumped into something black. "Gah! Who are you?!" Kiyoshi looked up to see a hooded figure, it was a man.

"Are you a prisoner here?" the man asked.

"No." Kiyoshi shook his head. "why?"

"Are you here to torture them?" the man asked again, Kiyoshi was observing him, his voice was deep but youthful, and Kiyoshi's head was spinning as he sensed his aura.

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