Chapter 7

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"I don't know what happened," Yuki mumbled as she slumped onto the couch, Hina looked at her worriedly and shook her head.

"The training seems to be doing some change, slowly unlocking your powers, no?" Hina sighed, putting bowls of food on the ottoman. "I heard you broke a lot of things," Yuki snorted and nodded.

"I became an uncontrolled monster," Yuki hissed, "and this woman kept appearing in my head, and she said that I need to unlock her for the real training to start."

So this is it, Kurai did find her, Hina thought, she can keep giving Yuki powers but Yuki has no control.

"I don't know," Yuki sighed. "I could've killed many people including my friends."

"Thankfully you didn't," Hina grinned. "No problem, eat something and take a rest, besides, today was your last day, we're planning on training all summer," Yuki nodded and started to eat some rice. She looked down at the necklace Akira gave her and sighed.

"Hey, big sis," Yuki sighed.

"Yes?" She replied, Yuki took off her necklace and pushed it towards her.

"Tell me, what is in this?" Yuki asked her, Hina looked up at her and took it. One of her eye's pupils turned glowing green and she studied it. She made a curious face and smiled at her.

"This is very useful," Hina grinned. "it's just what you need, this is what helps you control your powers, maybe that is why you got over it so quickly at school. The necklace's pendant has a sort of magic to balance out the magic from another being and yours."

"So, it's not the cause of my rage?" Yuki asked.

"Nope, Akira really gave you something good, this also adds temporary powers to help your actual ones get stronger," Hina added with curiosity, she got up and put the necklace back on her. "Be careful with it, you're very lucky to have this," Yuki smiled a little and nodded.

"I guess," Yuki sighed with a smile. "thanks," Hina nodded and got up to wash dishes. Yuki went to her room to do homework, while working on the computer, she saw a small notification on the side.

Hey Yuki! How are you feeling? The text said, it was Hibiki.

Better, thanks, Yuki replied.

I feel like you should remain the calmest before turning into a hissing cat, Akio added.

Say anything else like that and you will die tomorrow, Hibiki typed back immediately, Yuki giggled and started typing.

How am I a cat though? Yuki asked.

Dunno, you were walking on four legs like a creature, Akio pointed out.

Well, I'm getting powers from someone like, every time I see her in my head, Yuki typed, I'm not sure what to do, but I feel like this is my power.

Well, we shouldn't be pissing you off then, Kiyoshi wrote, Until you have full control.

I'll try my best not to hurt you, Yuki replied, Although, I will try to control myself.

That's good to know, anyway, I need to go, my mom is screaming at me, Akio typed. Yuki laughed quietly and started typing.

You better go before you die, Yuki replied.

Stop it, Akio typed back rapidly.

Anyway guys, did any of you finish your homework? Hibiki asked.

Big Brother's Steps: {Bigguburazā no suteppu}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora