( you go over to Richards's house after you find out he's feeling sick ).

Y/n: " I waited patiently, and when someone finally opened the door and it was my professor and I didn't expect him to answer since I know he was feeling sick or under the weather so I was surprised he answered the door".

Richard: " y/n uh what are you doing here I say as I look at her tiredly ".

Y/n: " Oh umm well I brought you cookies I heard you were feeling sick and all and I smile shyly at him "

Richard: " I see uh thanks it was a nice thing you didn't have to do that I say as I take the cookies from her ' I smile when I see they are chocolate chip cookies then I look at her again, so you wanna come inside or ". 

Y/n: " oh no I gotta get back to class but umm I hope you feel better soon ". 

Richard: " thank you I'll see you soon "

Y/n: " I'll see you professor I smile then I leave  ". 

Richard: " bye y/n I call after her and then I shut the door and once I do I walk to my kitchen, and when I do I unwrap the cookies and I pick one up and take a bite out of it and I've had some pretty good cookies in my life but none of them will compare
To y/ns cookies, I don't know what she put in them but they were so good ' I think to myself as I take another bite ".  

Alright, that was short sorry lol but I ran out of ideas to add to this maybe in the future I'll come back and add to it :)

 Richard one shots Where stories live. Discover now