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( imagine you have a paper due and it's late and Richard mentions it to you idk lol also thanks guys for getting this to like 900-something reads appreciate it )

Y/n: " I'm so toast if I don't get this paper turned in by like noon I sigh as I typed away aggressively on my computer keys ".

Vivienne: " why are you so worried? It's not like the professor will grill you or anything about it"

Y/n: " actually he will do that you haven't seen or have talked to him he's kinda scary I chuckle well not really but you get what I mean "

Vivienne: " Isn't he like sick or something because I heard he had ca- "

Y/n: "it's a rumor I blurt out quickly".

Vivienne: " yeah sure it is I raise an eyebrow at her "

Y/n: " I continue typing on my computer staying quiet so she doesn't ask any more questions ".

                   ( time skip )

" And done I say yawning then I close my computer laying my head on top of it I close my eyes for a couple of mins ".

                  Richard's POV:

" Seeing as though it was nearing the end of the day and everyone has gone home by now I started packing up my briefcase I carry with me every day then I make my exit 'but I had a sudden realization that y/n was not in my class today and she hadn't turned in her essay yet... so I walked back into the building on my way to find her wherever she was she better of had a good reason to just miss class today... ".

" When I had finally found her she was slumped over half asleep drooling on her opened faced computer and I just smiled I don't know why but I smiled then I walked over to her computer surprisingly it wasn't dead and I saw her essay it was complete I guess she just fell asleep before she could hit send so I hit send for her sending it in an email to me then after that was done I gently moved her face onto the table and I shut her computer for her pushing it off to the side ".

Y/n: " I slowly opened my eyes and when light shined on me I sat up stretching ' oh shit I fell asleep again doing an essay then my eyes darted to my computer and I opened it only to find my essay already turned in now  who would- "

Richard " no need to panic Mrs. Smith you're essay is already turned in I smirked as I coughed then I started coughing hard and into a tissue, I coughed harder and this time there was blood but I quickly wiped it away on my mouth and I hid the tissue in my pocket ".

Y/n: " startled I turned around to face my professor ' how l-long have you been there? I asked stuttering kinda "

Richard: " I've been here  since 10 last night I smile "

Y/n: " sir you didn't have to"

Richard: " you don't have to call me sir or professor we're two adults y/n call me Richard I feel old as hell when people call me by sir or professor ".

Y/n: " alright Richard wow that feels too weird to say you're real name I laugh "

Richard: " I bet I wink at her now that you're awake would you feel good about getting something to eat?? Because I'm starving kid "

Y/n: " oh yeah uh sure lemme just get my stuff together I say and I stand up putting my laptop into my bag then I grab my books also putting them into my bag and then we're off leaving the library " .

    ( skip to where their eating lol )

Richard: " So where are you from or are you just someone who lives here I say as I pour sugar into my coffee "

Y/n: " I'm not from here I'm just taking courses here "

Richard: " I figured as much because you didn't look the type to be from here I chuckle you're very quiet it's not something I'm used to ".

Y/n: " what are you used to professor? "

Richard: " I'm used to idiots y/n, not quiet kids who do what their told "

Y/n: " I'm flattered I smile and I eat another forkful of my pancakes chewing " .

Richard: " So what other things can I know about you? Besides pancakes because I know you like those I wink "

Y/n: " I don't think it's appropriate Richard you're my professor this isn't something students do with their teachers I giggle "

Richard: " well outside of school I don't think it's a bad thing to know some stuff about you y/n so tell me more I say taking a sip of my coffee "

Y/n: " you aren't gonna eat anything? "

Richard: " I don't have an appetite lately then I start coughing again "

Y/n: " well woah there before I tell you anything more about myself I wanna know some stuff about you "

Richard: " like what I say after I'm done coughing " .

Y/n: " like do you have a family are you involved with anyone or no "

Richard: " well I'm not gonna lie yes I'm involved with someone and I have a daughter but my wife she's cheating on me with my boss I smile " .

Y/n: " man I'm sorry "

Richard: " it's not that bad we have an agreement she screws whoever she wants and I do the same I say slamming my cup down on the table but not so loud "

Y/n: " I see "

Richard: " I'm also dying of cancer I haven't told anyone this not even my family but I'm telling you I say and I take one of her hands in mine across the table "

Y/n: " oh Richard I'm so sorry I say feeling as if a knife stabbed me in the heart "

Richard: " it's stage 4 cancer so I'm gonna die but do I care? Nope I don't I chuckle it's just me all alone with myself"

Y/n: " well you have me I smile trying to make the situation better but I don't think it would ever be better "

Richard: " I just looked straight at her and I leaned over the table kissing her right on the lips and as I did I ran my fingers through her long hair pushing it back behind her ear ".

Y/n: " He pulled away and I just sat there in utter shock and I was blushing w-what was that for I whisper "

Richard: " just cause I wanted to you're a very nice girl y/n and you kiss fairly decent I smirk at her "

Y/n: " thank you I say blushing more this time "

Richard: " alright I'd better get going I'll see you at school today and with that, I leave a tip then I exit the little Cafe making my way to my car " .

 Richard one shots Where stories live. Discover now