( Imagine you find Richard passed outside of a bar he's a stranger, but you feel obligated to help him since it's almost Christmas. You wanna be a good person, lol )

Y/n" That's completely not fair, Jess you're always having guys fall at your feet ok anyway I have to go I'm nearly there to the bar I'll see you soon then I look at my phone to hang up and I keep walking then I stumble over something and it makes me drop my phone along with my bag " .

Richard " I s-sorrh Mrs I didn't mean to make you drop your purse I laugh as I sip on my bottle of whisky "

Y/n" I get up brushing myself off , have you no decency sir I start to say angrily but then I look down at him and I sigh he's keeled over a wall and has a bottle of whisky "

Richard, " I'm sure you're fine. The fall didn't seem that bad, I say, and I throw the empty bottle on the pavement it shatters."

Y/n" I move out of the way so the bottle shards don't hit me, and I look at him again . You must be one broken individual? "

Richard " No, nothing like that. I just don't care for people much these days."

Y/n" Well in spirit of Christmas I'm going to be your friend and help you out I smile " .

Richard, " You're gonna what? I don't need any help, thanks, but goodbye doll. "

Y/n" Please just let me sir,"

Richard " Sir?! Eww, I'm way too old to be called, sir. I used to be a professor. Everyone called me that, please don't call me that call me Richard. "

Y/n" Ok Richard, where do you live? "

Richard " I don't live anywhere at the moment. I actually kinda just fled from town from my wife and my daughter. I look down."

Y/n" Why did you leave them? "

Richard " Well, I say lighting a cigarette when you find out you have stage 4 cancer you don't stick around for too long and I exhale smoke from my nose and mouth."

Y/n" What? You have cancer, and you're smoking. "

Richard " Yeah, I can do what I want. It doesn't matter. I'm dying,"

Y/n" Would you like to come home with me then?"

Richard " for what? I mean, I don't take offers from strangers that quick, but if you wanna sleep with me, just ask I smirk. "

Y/n" No, I don't want to sleep with you. I just want you to feel better by sleeping in a warm space tonight, especially since it's very cold out here."

Richard " I mean sure why not thanks lady and I follow her stumbling a little " .

 Richard one shots Where stories live. Discover now