( imagine you're saying goodbye to Richard for the last time, but you choose to go with him  )

Y/n: " Hey Richard! Wait up! I yell as I run after him into the parking lot. "

Richard: " I spin around facing her, and I give her a smile."

Y/n: " So what do you plan to do? Where do you plan to go"

Richard: " I don't know, kid. I'm gonna be going somewhere though " .

Y/n: " I could come with you."

Richard: " No, it's best you stay here and watch over everyone I wink .

Y/n: " What? But I don't understand you're coming back, aren't you? "

Richard: " y/n I say, putting my hands on both of her shoulders, then I look straight into her eyes, smiling kinda sadly."

Y/n : " But... I finally get it, and I go silent than I look at him and I shove him back with my hands ' you dick you said you'd always be here for me I say getting teary eyed " .

Richard: " You knew about this early on y/n you were the first one I told."

Y/n: " But I don't want you leaving me. Everyone I've ever had has left me, I say as tears fall down my face,"

Richard: " I have to go now, I say, stepping closer to her, and I kiss her on the forehead, then I disappear out the door, not looking back.

Y/n: " I wipe my tears away, and I follow him."

                        ( outside)

Richard: " I get in my car and I close the door than I hesitate on starting it up but I go ahead and do it anyways I have to leave I can't let anyone feel sorry for me I think to myself and I'm about to drive when someone opens the passenger door and jumps in ' I look over seeing y/n "

Y/n: " Before you say no too bad because I'm not getting out alright, I'm coming with you now drive "

Richard: " I just look at her, and I shake my head than I drive out of the parking lot."

Even though this was really short, I wanted to write it. lol hope ya'll like this one 💕

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