( imagine you see you're professor while out walking one night yes again this is random lol )

Y/n: " Tonight sucked ass in 24 hours I missed 2 tests today at school and to make things worse or add to them I just ended things with one of my friends because they backstabbed me by sleeping with a guy I liked so honestly today wasn't a good day at all... "

Richard: " haven't you got any parents that have told you it's dangerous to be out late at night? "

Y/n: " hasn't anyone told you that it's creepy to just talk to a girl while she's minding he own business- oh! I say kinda loud "

Richard: " you're very sassy tonight " 

Y/n: " sorry professor I say and I look down " .

Richard: " what's on your mind y/n "

Y/n: " one of my friends hurt me.. "

Richard: " well you probably deserved it so you can see how bad they are " .

Y/n: " maybe but they still didn't need to do that and I gulp down the rest of my drink "

Richard: " I think that's enough I say as I take the glass she just drank from away from her " .

Y/n: " you suck professor "

Richard: " I'm keeping you from going to jail or rather me going to jail because you're a minor "

Y/n: " hey I'm only 20 I'm not a minor anymore besides "

Richard: " you were saying I smirk at her "

Y/n: " never mind I know I'm not supposed to be drinking underage but oh well I'm an adult I can do what I want "

Richard: " I'm only taking the glass away because you'll regret it in the morning "

Y/n: " whatever and I snatch it from him again and I drink the rest down " .

Richard: " don't say I didn't warn you "

Y/n: " yeah yeah I say not listening "

                     ( time skip)

Y/n: " I blink a few times then I open my eyes ' and when I sit up I regret it instantly my head starts spinning wait... how did I even get here? I then look beside me and there laying neatly against one of the pillows was a note I pick it up and start reading it "

" y/n I always find pleasure and amusement in spending time with you you surprise me a lot sometimes like last night anyways... I took you home you were very out of it and drunk if you are now reading this and you're confused that's what happened I'm looking forward to seeing you today "

- Richard

Y/n: " lovely I think to myself then I fall back down into my bed " .

Welp this was random again lol but hopefully it makes sense I thought this was funny so I wrote it 😂.

 Richard one shots Where stories live. Discover now