( imagine you're sad about something, and Richard cheers you up or tries to. This wasn't requested, but I wanted to write this for you, Twinkie_Muncher87 )

" Y/n sits at a desk in the library her head in her hands she just learned of her dog passing away so she was pretty upset about it and tears were falling silently down her cheeks she would miss that dog for a long time " .

" Richard all day was expecting to see y/n but he never did he was kinda concerned but never would show it but he was searching for her and then he finally found her in the library and he made his way over to her ready to give her a small lecture over why he didn't see her but he stopped himself when he saw she was upset " .

Y/n " I wiped away my tears then I looked up at my professor standing there and I just turned around quickly oh ' sorry I didn't think anyone was standing there I say wiping again at my eyes "

Richard " Y/n what's the matter I say softly" .

Y/n " n-nothing at all just you know hormonal things time of the month I lie "   .

Richard " That's a lie, and you know it now. Tell me, please, I say sternly. "

Y/n " Ok fine my dog passed away and I'm upset about it I guess she meant alot to me and I was having a hard time excepting it I sigh then I burst into tears again "

Richard " Oh y/n I am sorry I say and I walk over to her embracing her into a hug "

Y/n " It's fine. I'll just miss her a lot, I  say as I wipe away my tears again. "

Richard " I have a dog named jibbles I don't think I could live without him he's good dog so don't worry you aren't silly for being upset about this it's terrible loss is terrible I'm sorry you're upset about this but it will pass with time I smile then I embrace her again " .

Y/n " You know I half expected you to make fun of me for this."

Richard " That isn't my style. Well, it is, but when someone's upset, I don't. I'm not a jerk. I wouldn't do that."

Y/n" I smile, thanks, Richard."

Richard " Good now with all the emotional stuff behind us wanna ditch class? And maybe get a drink with me. You look like you could use one. "

Y/n " I'm underage, though... "

Richard " I don't give a shit and they won't give a shit either come on I say and I pull her by her hand behind me to the exit."


Richard " Bartender two drinks for me and my lady friend over here I say then I lay down some cash out on the bar "

Y/n " I'm nervous. I can't stop fidgeting."

Richard " Y/n, stop being nervous, just relax. No one's gonna know you're underage. I laugh, then the bartender gives us our drinks, and I slide hers to her."

Y/n " I don't think I just pick it up and down it in one gulp, and then I start coughing, woah, that's strong, I say, coughing some more."

Richard " It's not a drink to be downed like that I laugh again then I give her a napkin "

Y/n" I wipe my mouth off, alright I'm leaving ok I'm not embarrassing myself further and I get up " .

Richard " I'll give you something to be embarrassed about I say and I get up " .

Y/n " woah, what are you doi-

" Richard kisses y/n on the lips full on with tongue and everything, and there's a long pause, but she eventually kisses back."

Y/n " stares at Richard in disbelief when he sits back down, and she sits back down, fixing her jacket that got messed up."

Richard , so are you still embarrassed? I smirk at her, drinking my whiskey. "

Y/n" suddenly I am not I say blushing a lot as I drink my drink slowly then I look to see people unbothered by what just occurred and I just smiled to myself I really just scored right now " .

 Richard one shots Where stories live. Discover now