Chapter 43. Ron

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Harry's POV, a few days after the ball

The yelling wasn't coming from my head.

I shot up, blinking furiously and I tore the curtains open. Ron sat at the end of his bed, yelling, and Hermione was there too, looking mightily confused. 

Hermione turned and she saw me. 

"Oh, Harry!" She cried. "Ron just brought me here yelling something about feeling dizzy, and then he told me his wand didn't work." 

My heart skipped a beat.

"His wand doesn't work?" 


I ran to Ron. He was waving his wand in the air, yet no sparks came out. He looked at me, his face pale.

"Harry- I had the weirdest dream about Ginny. She was holding her wand above my head, and then she pulled something out- like a memory, glowing and white; but now I don't think it's a dream." 

Hermione sucked in a breath. Then she looked at me, her eyes wilder than a lion's. 

"Harry- I've read about these things in books. It's really deep magic- almost as deep as Nature Magic. It's the Lactantem Magicae."


"It's a incantation to suck your magic out." She said.

Ron let out a yell. "So it means that I can't use magic?"

"No." Hermione said. She exhaled shakily. "Ginny's cunning. She knows that you're a pure-blood, so you depend a lot on magic. If she really got all of the magic out of you- you're pretty much powerless." 

"Unless I know martial jiujitsu." Ron said. 

Hermione slapped his arm and fanned her face. "It's not a thing to joke about." 

I put my face in my hands. 

"Can we Floo Luna over here?" Hermione asked in undertone.

I nodded. 

A second later, Luna was here, looking worried. 


"Ginny is hideous." Ron said grimly. 

Hermione looked at me, and back to him. 

"Ron, look. I know that magic is your best talent, but Muggle stuff are pretty good too. You see these muggle wands, guns, I think, are pretty useful. They can be deadly, though. Just one shot can kill you." 

Ron stepped back, looking horrified

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Ron stepped back, looking horrified. 

"Muggles kill each other?" 

"Yep." I said. "Muggles do kill each other." 

"Just when I pictured muggles as cute little bunnies." Ron said. 

"Guns are really dangerous." Hermione said. "I would prefer you using Martial Jiujitsu." 

I laughed. 

A/N ok guys, uh, a certain friend has a not-so-soft spot for Ron. And he/she requested it. 

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌Where stories live. Discover now