Race against heroes

401 21 2

3rd Person POV:

The sign was given to begin, and the speedster rushed ahead, in the lead, neck, and neck were Ethan and Futaba.

They arrived at the large chain connecting the island to the ground and ran up it.

Cathy, meanwhile, was using her quirk to make a lot of people disoriented.

Hugo created a large spinning sphere of air, riding it to keep up with the speedsters.

Bella was launching herself across the arena with her breath attacks.

Billy, transformed into a lion and ran as fast as a lion with Bob not too far behind.

Gwen inflated herself and hopped across as if she was on the moon.

The rest were going at their pace, with not many other choices.

Yn however, was building speed. By the time he reached the chain, he reached an x5 multiplier.

Yn: Whoo!

Leaping onto the first island, he found many turrets. To avoid their projectiles, Yn performed many acrobatic tricks, such as flips, cartwheels, and rolls.

Yn: "Times 6"!

The first obstacle was practically nothing to Yn, as he successfully arrived at the next chain, which he ran up to arrive at the second island.

Yn: Whatcha got for me now!?!

Seeing a bunch of other students randomly around the island, Yn ran head first.

By the time he realized they were leaning on an invisible wall, Yn smacked face-first into the invisible maze.


(Opening theme)

Ethan and Futaba were stuck competing for first place, constantly hitting a wall, letting the other pass, only for them to hit a wall and the cycle repeated.

Yn in the meantime decided to take another route.

Yn: Here goes nothing!

He began running up the invisible wall. However, when he found the wall didn't seem to end, he changed directions and began running around the wall.

Yn:(mind) Don't fall, don't fall...!

Eventually running out of the wall, Yn fell onto the edge of the island, nearly falling off.

Yn: Ah-ha! Take that maze!

Futaba speeds off with Ethan not far behind.

Yn: Son of a...

Kicking things to high gear, he raises his multiplier and rushes off after the speedsters.

Healy and Lisa arrive at the invisible maze after a lucky run through the turret island.

Healy wore two gauntlets, given to her to help tame her quirk.

Healy: Judging by how the others are moving and the ground...

Healy: There might be an invisible wall here...

Lisa: Neat.

Summoning a doppelganger, it runs ahead, splitting into many chibi-Lisa's that line themselves against the walls to show the path to take.

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