She's It, She's Everything, She's Mine

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My fuckin mind has been spinning since the shit storm at Dirty last week.  We got fuckin attacked by a bunch of meth head tweakers who had the great idea of lighting up our bar with gunfire.  Fortunately, they're such idiot assholes we caught them right fuckin away, and they're currently waiting in one of the out buildings behind the club.  We're keeping them alive and severely uncomfortable until my injured brothers are healed up and able to help with the interrogation and punishment.  The punishment being of the 'permanent' variety.

That, I can deal with.  What I can't fuckin process is that my sweet kitten, my fuckin beautiful girl, was shot while trying to protect me.  After I threw my body on hers so that she wouldn't get hurt, she wrapped her little arms around my head and shielded me from the bullets that most certainly would have killed me, or at the very least, fucked me way the hell up.

My fuckin girl had a bunch of bullet burns, and a fuck ton of cuts from broken glass and wood on her hands and arms from protecting me.  Blows my mind.  I wouldn't think twice about it if it were my brothers, we signed up for that when we joined Oblivion. We knew coming in to this club that at any point, shit could, and probably would go south and we could fuckin die.

But Kirkland Sophia Turner, all she knew was that she didn't want me hurt.  Fuck if she knew how much it hurts me knowing that she was injured on my watch.  I was lying on top of her, trying to cover every square inch of that tiny perfect person, when I felt her skinny little arms trying to slide out from under me.  I didn't even realize what she was doing until later back at the clubhouse, it was so fuckin wild and chaotic in the bar that night, I didn't have time to think or process what she was doing.  When Dante told me how she got injured it fuckin knocked the breath out of me.  Sweet little girl, fuckin smart and kind, risking herself to take care of me.  I shake my head every fuckin time I think about it, it makes my damn heart ache.

I grew up in a normal family, dad, mom, grandparents and a brother.  I was fed, never went hungry, had a warm house and clothes, a car when I turned 16.  I had almost everything a kid should have to grow up healthy and happy.  The problem was, I had everything, but apparently, I was nothing but a disappointment to my family.  I was great at sports, excelled at football and basketball, even had girls crawling all over me from middle school on.  For extra money I started working in a car repair shop as a high school freshman.  I've always been fuckin fascinated with engines, especially motorcycles.  I started off sweeping and cleaning up, picking up deliveries and doing whatever the fuck was needed.  You'd think my family would have been happy with my industrious behavior, but nope not the case.  My lawyer dad and my socialite mom and stick up his ass older brother were too good for the kind of 'menial' work I liked and was good at.  But what really pissed them off and embarrassed the hell out of them?  Well, that would be because they thought I was an idiot.  They didn't just think it, they told me I was an idiot, repeatedly.

I'm dyslexic, I was diagnosed when was in elementary school, it makes reading and writing more difficult for me than for most other people, but it is something that can be dealt with.  Apparently not for the perfect Baxter family though.  My parents declined the special classes I needed to be in during my school years because only the 'stupid' kids were in those.  Thankfully I had some teachers along the way that helped, but I learned early on that once I graduated high school, I was fuckin done with the educational system.  I can read, I can write, I have some tricks that help me with both of those, but it's not easy and I don't enjoy it.  Everyone in my life now, knows that I'm dyslexic and they help me out when I need it, got over being embarrassed by that shit fuckin decades ago.  So, when I turned down a college football scholarship, well, my parents and brother fuckin exploded.  They were proud I could play football, they were ashamed that I don't read very well, truth was they were fuckin embarrassed of me.  Fuck em.  So I said thank you for the first 18 years of my life, good bye, and I lit out of their house and headed straight for the military.  I stayed there for a few tours, then came back stateside where I prospected for Oblivion for almost two years.  Once I became a patched member, I knew that I was home, hell I knew I was home the first time I met the guys.

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