OK, Maybe I'm Fuckin Sweet

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Sometimes You Have To Endure The Challenging, To Truly Appreciate The Sweet


In all honesty, my start out in the world sucked.  Abandoned by a parent, named after the city I was thrown away in, growing up in foster care, that was freaking awful.  Don't get me wrong, it could have been much much worse.  I was fortunate to have people help me along the way, I kept my mind open enough to see the help and grab it with both hands.  I know that I was lucky, we've all seen and heard the horror stories that happen to people raised like I was.

I want to give myself some credit though, I freaking fought hard to get where I am.  I studied all the damn time in school, I worked jobs that nobody wanted, and I got paid a quarter of what I deserved.  in the back of my mind, even before I knew I wanted to be a nurse, I always had a goal.  In the beginning it was get a job in middle school so I could have shoes without holes, or be able to by a sandwich occasionally.  As I got older and my goals became more specific, I didn't date or do things I wanted to, because I didn't have the time.  I wanted to go on dates, and go to parties.  I wanted to have boyfriends and go to movies and shopping, but that was so not in the cards for me when I was younger.

I was so scared about becoming another single mother at 16, that I just didn't give myself an opportunity for that to happen.  I saw too many girls in foster care who believed the sweet talking boys and men who preyed on vulnerable girls and boys.  So I put my head down, kept moving forward, ignored the temptations of easy affection and easier drugs or alcohol, and I kept heading towards my goal.

The surprising reward to all my hard work, was a career I love, and then, love itself.  I fell in love with a freaking biker.  A man society has shown us in many different ways, should be a man I couldn't trust or be safe with.  He's hard, he has the dirtiest mouth I've ever heard.  His work is definitely not 100% on the legal side.  He is loud, crude, abrasive and rough.  He is also the most loyal man I've ever known, kind and sweet, honorable and fair.  He treats everyone he loves with respect and kindness, but if you aren't someone he cares about, or if you've hurt someone in his inner circle, then you best watch out, prayers and luck won't help you if you've put yourself in Grays sites.

He is also a man who grew up with everything I didn't.  Money, family, security, all the things that are supposed to guarantee a happy and successful life. He was put down, ignored, mocked and treated like an imposition.  We were both thrown out there alone, in different ways, but we were alone to figure out our place in the world.  Though his childhood was a hell of a different making than mine, we both escaped harsh and cruel worlds.  

Neither of us let our experiences sour us on life and love.  We just kept moving forward, knowing that better would be ahead.  Gray found his future in the military and in his club.  I made my life better with friends, work and then finally, my Gray.  The two of us as a pair, well, we found love together.

Like I told nurse Allie, I believe in Karma, for good and bad.  Put a bunch of good out in the world, and you're gonna get more good than bad back.

Gray has put so much good out there, military, club, friends and me.  I'm going to spend the rest of my life making his life full of love and support, respect, acceptance and kindness, all the things he didn't get as a child.  Because the truth is, he does all that and more for me, every damn day.

To say I love that giant man does not even begin to describe the feelings I hold in my heart for him

"Kitten, where the fuck are you?  I told you to meet in the back an hour ago, what the hell is taking you so damn long?  I need my baby, hurry up girl!"  He's barking out his orders, but there is love and a smile under the words.  

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