I'm Pregnant

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Earlier that same day~

~Finn's P.O.V~

I was just finishing up at my locker heading out to my truck when a teary eyed Quinn came up to me.

~No one's P.O.V~

Finn~ "Babe what's wrong?" He said pulling her into his embrace.

Quinn~ Backs away slowly. "I have to tell you something..."

Finn~ "What is it?"

Quinn~ "I'm pregnant."

Finn~ Shocked. "Who's is it?"

Puck emerges from around the corner.

Puck~ "Mine. I'm sorry bro."

Finn~ "You cheated on me!? And Puck you're supposed to be my best friend! What the hell man!

Finn throws a punch at Puck and nails him right in the jaw.

Puck~ "I deserved that."

Finn~ "Damn straight you did! Have a nice life you two! I'm done with both of you!"

Quinn~ "Finn please!"

But it is too late. Finn has already driven off.

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