The Break Up

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No one's P.O.V~

After their "fun" Rachel cuddled up into Finn's chest listening to the sound of his heartbeat while Finn's arms are secure around her body.

They sat in silence enjoying the moment when Rachel saw the clock, 5:15. She didn't want to do this, especially not now. But she knew she had too.

As she is drawing shapes into his chest with her finger she looks at him and says seriously,

Rachel~ "Finn we need to talk."

Finn~ "Is this the part where you break up with me?" He giggles jokingly.

Rachel~ "Actually yes..." She looks down.

Finn~ "Wait, what?" He asks while he starts to tear up.

Rachel~ "I'm sorry Finn, I can't do this anymore." She is in full blown tears by now.

Finn~ "Baby no. Please don't do this." He begs her while pulling her closer to him.

Rachel~ "I have too. Maybe we can still be--"

Finn~ "Don't you dare say friend's! Why are you doing this?"

Rachel~ "I can't tell you."

Finn~ "Why the hell not?"

Rachel~ "I just can't be with you. Please just respect that."

Finn~ "I don't understand! We were fine 10 minutes ago! More than fine actually!" He is shouting by now because he is so hurt and confused.
"Just tell me why!"

Rachel~ "It's because I-i d-don't l-l..."

Finn~ "Love me? You don't love me?"

Rachel nods.

Finn~ "Rachel you just made love to me! How can you not?"

Rachel~ "I just don't Finn."

Finn~ Looks at her confused. "Say it."

Rachel~ "Say what?"

Finn~ "Tell me, say it out loud that you don't love me!"

Rachel~ "Finn..."

Finn~ "Say it!"

Rachel~ "Fine! I-i don't l-love..." Then she ran out of his bedroom crying.

Finn thinks

"That's what I thought."

Finn's P.O.V~

I'm hurt if course, but more confused than anything. I have so many questions. Why did she break up with me? She said she couldn't tell me. But I know she didn't want to or else she could have told me she didn't love me. Something weird is going on and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it and get my girl back!

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