Telling Kurt

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No one's P.O.V~

Later that week at school.

Rachel was at her locker when Kurt came up to her.

Kurt~ "Hey diva!"

Rachel~ "Hi Kurt. "

Kurt~ "We haven't hung out in a while... what do you say? The mall after school?"

Rachel~ "I would love to! But I'm sorry I can't."

Kurt~ "Why not?"

Rachel~ "I can't tell you..."

Kurt~ "Please Rachel. You shut Finn out, please don't do the same to me."

Rachel wants to cry when she heard Finn's name.

Rachel~ "You wouldn't understand."

Kurt~ "Understand what?!"

Rachel~ "That Brody is forcing me to be with him!" She quickly covers her mouth.

Kurt~ "Oh my gosh Rachel!"

Rachel~ "Kurt do not tell anyone!"

Kurt~ "Why not?!"

Rachel~ "The only reason I am with him is because he said he'd kill Finn if I didn't..." She looks down.

Kurt~ "So that's why you broke up with him?"

Rachel~ "Yes. I didn't have a choice."

Kurt~ "Fine. I won't say anything."

Rachel~ "Thank you so much Kurt! I will text you later and maybe we can try for that movie."

Kurt~ "Sounds good."

Brody's P.O.V~

Does she really not think that I have eyes everywhere? I know she tild gay Hummel and of course he'll tell Finn. They are brothers for crying out loud. Well we will just see who gets to Mr. Finn Hudson first!

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