Best Date Ever

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Finn's P.O.V

I took Rachel to one of my favorite places. My mom use to take me here all the time when I was little. It has always sorta been a safe haven for me. It is a little pond surrounded by grass and wild flowers. It's isolated from everything and is very peaceful.

I've never taken anyone here before, but I knew Rachel was special. I hop out of the truck and went in the backseat to get the blanket and the picnic basket I packed. I hurry over t her side and open her door. She smiles at me and thanks me.

No one's P.O.V

Rachel~ "Finn how did you find this place?"

Finn~ "My mom use to take me here when I was younger."

Rachel~ "It's so beautiful!"

Finn~ "Just like you."

Rachel~ Blushes. "Well you're not so bad yourself."

Finn smiles and sets the blanket on the ground then takes her her hand and they sit down.

Finn~ "Alright so I made us vegan lasagna, salad, sparkling cider and chocolate covered strawberries for desert. Sound good?" He smirks.

Rachel~ "That sounds perfect!"

Finn hands Rachel her plate with her lasagna and salad then pours them some sparkling cider and hands her the glass and says,

Finn~ "I wanna make a toast, to the best person I have ever met in my entire life. Rachel you make me the happiest I have ever been. And I know I asked you already but I feel like this is more romantic way of asking you. So Rachel Berry will you be my girlfriend?"

Rachel has happy tears in her eyes and can't stop smiling.

Rachel~ "Yes of course Finn! I love you."

Finn~ "I love you too."

They eat their food and have small conversation about anything and everything.

Finn~ "Desert?" He smirks.

Rachel~ "Yes." She winks at him.

Finn takes a strawberry and feeds it to Rachel. Rachel then grabs a strawberry to do the same thing except as she goes to feed it to him she purposly misses his mouth and rubs it all over getting chocolate near his lips and a little on his cheek. She just starts busting up laughing.

Finn~ "Wow Rach way to ruin the moment." He chuckles slightly.

Rachel~ "I'm sorry Finn... Here let me help you get that chocolate off your face." She says seductively and smirks.

Rachel leans over and sits in Finn's lap. She wraps her arms around his neck and starts to kiss away the chocolate. Finn grabs her waist and pulls her closer to him. Rachel moves to his mouth and starts kissing him softly. Then Finn runs his tongue along her bottom lip and she grants him access.

They make out for a while and then stop amd lay back on the blanket with Rachel laying her head on Finn's chest and Finn cuddling Rachel. They fell asleep like this and thought,

"Wow! Best first date ever!"


Hey guys! Guess who is back? I am so sorry for not updating in forever! But I have started writing more chapters and will be updating more often. And to say I am sorry I wrote a longish chapter. Thank you so much who read this and who comments and votes you guys are the best!

Also I want to give a big shout out to toloveyoumore06 She has an amazing story! So you all should go read it! She use to be @shootingstar601 But her account got hacked... So please go follow her and read, vote and comment on her story! She deserves it!

Thanks! I love you all!


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