I Can Explain

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No one's P.O.V~

Hiram~ "So Rachel, what exactly was HE doing here?"

Rachel~ "Dad I swear we didn't do amything! I was lonely so I invited him over we watched a movie and feel asleep. I swear that's all!"

Leroy~ "Even if you guys didn't do anything, you know you aren't aloud to have random boys over when we are gone!"

Rachel~ "He is not some random guy. Finn is my boyfriend."

Leroy~ "So you have a boyfriend now?"

Rachel~ "Yes we are going on 3 months now."

Hiram~ "Well then you must invite him over for dinner."

Rachel~ "Alright, so tomorrow at 7 tomorrow sound good?"

Leroy~ "Yes that is fine. We are gonna go to bed, it was a long flight."

Rachel~ "Okay goodnight dads."

Dad's~ "Goodnight Rachel, we love you."

Rachel~ "I love you too."

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