Short Term Memory Loss

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No one's P.O.V~

Finn~ "Rachel it's me, Finn."

Rachel~ "I'm sorry I don't know who you are or where I am..."

Finn~ "Oh you are in the hospital. I will get a nurse."

Finn peeked his head out the door and yelled "can I get a nurse in here."

Soon one came in.

Doctor Michele~ "Oh my goodness Rachel you're awake!"

Rachel~ "Um yeah. I'm just a little confused. Why am I here and why is there a man in here that I have never seen in my life?"

Doctor Michele~ "Um Rachel you were in a terrible car accident. You've been in a coma for two weeks and this is your err boyfriend? Brother?" She asked questionably.

Finn~ "Best friend."

Doctor Michele~ "Oh alright he is your best friend."

Rachel~ "I don't remember..."

Doctor Michele~ "I'm gonna ask you a couple questions, is that alright?"

Rachel nods.

Doctor Michele~ "Alright. What year is it?"

Rachel~ "2015."

Doctor Michele~ "Very good. Where do you live and what school do you go to?"

Rachel~ "Lima Ohio and William McKinley High."

Doctor Michele~ "Very good Rachel. So . I am sorry to tell you that you are suffering from short term memory loss."

Finn~ Gasps. "Is it permanent?"

Doctor Michele~ "I don't know. But it may help to bring it back to hang around old memories such as him." She says gesturing to Finn.

Rachel~ "Oh okay..."

Doctor Michele~ "Yes. So I will you two alone for a while. If you need anything just call."

Rachel~ "Okay thank you doctor."

The doctor nodded and left. Leaving Finn and Rachel alone.

Finn~ "So..."

Rachel~ "So..."


Hey updated twice in one night! Lol I just felt bad cause the last chapter was super short and I left it on a cliffhanger. But I hope you guys like this one. Thank you all for reading and voting and commenting it means a lot!


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