Party Gone Wrong

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No one's P.O.V~

Rachel~ "Oh my gosh Finn, you scared me!"

Finn~ "Oh sorry about that."

Rachel~ "That's okay." She smiled.

Finn~ "So are you drinking tonight?"

Rachel~ "No. What about you?"

Finn~ "No not tonight."

Rachel was about to say something but Finn cut her off.

Finn~ "Rach what really happend to your face?"

Rachel~ "Finn I told you, I ran into a door."

Finn~ "Come on Rachel, I know you. You're lying to me..."

Rachel looks down and Finn puts his pointer finger under her chin and pulled it up so she would look at him.

Finn~ "Rach look at me, you can tell me anything."

Brody's P.O.V~

Man this is great! I love parties! I should probably go find Rachel though. As I am looking around I see her... with HUDSON! Oh that made my blood boil! I make my way over to them to give Hudson a piece of my mind and show him that Rachel is MINE!

No one's P.O.V

Rachel~ "Brody did it..."

Finn's facial expression changed from concern to pure anger. Right as Finn was gonna say somethin, Brody showed up.

Brody~ "Hudson what are you doing with MY girlfriend?"

Finn~ "Oh Brody just the person I wanted to see."

Brody~ "And why is that?"

Rachel~ "Finn, please don't." She pleads him with tears starting to form.

Finn looks at Rachel, then to Brody and then back to Rachel again. And then mouths "sorry".

Finn~ "So I could do this!"

Finn swings at Brody and punches him right in the cheek and he falls to the ground.

Brody~ "What the hell Finn! What was that for?" He said struggling to get up.

Finn~ "Oh what hitting you? I'm sorry I thought it'd be okay to hit you cause you obviously thought that it would be okay to hit her!" He screamed at Brody.

Brody~ "What are you talking about?"

Finn~ "Her you idiot!" He says pointing at a crying Rachel.

Brody~ Looks at Rachel. "You told him? You little bitch!"

Finn~ "Don't talk to her like that!"

Brody true to swing at Finn but totally misses because he is so drunk. Finn punches him though and get him in the eye. Bam! Brody is down. Finn continues to kick Brody in the stomach. Brody grunts and groans each time Finn viciously kicks him. Rachel runs up to Finn.

Rachel~ "Finn! Please that is enough!" She says tugging at his shirt.

After a couple more kicks, Finn stops and pulls Rachel into his embrace.

Finn~ "Come on lets get out of here."

Rachel just nods. But then Brody gets up and pulls out a gun.

Brody~ "Not so fast Hudson!"

Rachel and Finn turn.

Finn~ "Whoa Brody calm down!"

Brody~ "Hand her over and I wont shoot you!"

Finn's grip tightens around Rachel's waist.

Finn~ "Never!"

Brody aims the gun and puts his hand in the trigger.

Rachel~ "Brody wait!"

Brody~ "What?!"

Rachel~ "Don't hurt him! I'm the one you want."

Brody~ "Yeah I do!"

Rache~ "So just take me and don't hurt him."

Finn~ "What?! Rachel no!"

Rachel~ "Finn I have to!"

Finn~ "Rachel, no you don't!"

Rachel~ "Finn I can't lose you. So I am going with Brody." She said crying.

Brody~ "That a girl Rachel. So we have a deal? I get you if I don't hurt him?"

Rachel~ "Yes, if--"

Brody~ "If?"

Rachel~ "If I get to say goodbye to Finn."

Brody~ "Fine. But make it quick."

Rachel runs to Finn and jumps into his embrace for a big hug.

Rachel~ Whispers in Finn's ear. "I love you, I always have."

Finn~ "I love you too Rach."

Finn pulls away from the hug a looks into Rachel's eyes. Then leans down and kisses her. She quickly kissed back, until Brody came and broke them up.

Brody~ "Nuh uh. None of that."

As Brody starts to walk away he turns and says,

Brody~ "Oh and Finn?"

Finn looks up.

Brody~ "Try to follow us and I shoot her! Am I clear?"

Finn nods and looks down.

And with that Brody leaves dragging Rachel with him.


Wow that was a long chapter! I am really proud of this one though and I hope you guys like it Thank you all so much who read this and vote you guys are awesome!

~ Cortney❤

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