Spin The Bottle

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Rachel's P.O.V~

Last night couldn't have gone any better! Finn is so romantic and sweet. I love him so much.

My parents are going out of town so I think I am going to throw a party. Only glee kids though. I text everyone and tell them to come ar eight. But I tell Finn to come at seven so we can hang out a little before the party. It's four right now so I start setting everything up. Before I know it, it is already seven and my handsome boyfriend is at my door.

No one's P.O.V~

Finn~ "Hey babe." Goes in and kisses her.

Rachel~ "Mhmm hello to you too Mr. Hudson."

Finn~ "Do you know how sexy it sounds when you call me Mr. Hudson?"

Rachel~ "No, but now that I do I will make sure I say it a lot more often." She smirks.

Finn's P.O.V~

Oh gosh I love Rachel so much! She is perfect in every way. And she is such a tease! Her skirt was really short and she kept calling me Mr. Hudson all night. It was around midnight and everyone was drinking and having a great time then Rachel yells,

"Let's play spin the bottle!!"

Oh great lets see how this turns out...

No one's P.O.V~

They all go and sit in a circle.

Rachel~ "Alright! Who wants to go first?" She says obviously very drunk.

Sam~ "I'll go!"

Sam spins the bottle and it lands on Quinn. They kiss.

Quinn spins and it lands on Finn.

Quinn~ "We don't have to do this."

Finn looks at Rachel.

Rachel~ "Come on babe it is just a stupid game."

Finn~ "Okay..."

Finn and Quinn kiss.

Then it goes Mike and Santana. Tina and Kurt. Blaine and Brittany. Then Rachel and Jesse.

Finn gets super jealous when Rachel and Jesse kiss because it is so obvious Jesse likes Rachel. So after there kiss Finn pulls Rachel into his arms and wraps his arms around her while she is sitting in his lap that way everyone knows she is his.

When they finish everyone is pretty tired and they all crash on the basement floor.

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