Chapter 6: Run and hide

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Note: Starting on the 25th of June. I'll be on and off with my books. Up until August. I'll be leaving to California. Then on the 21st-25th of July, i'll be on Hiatus. I'm gonna be on a full week vacation. For those of you that don't know what Hiatus means, it mean's "A pause or gap in a sequence, series or process". I truly apologize😓




Ashley: I want them out of the system as soon as possible. Is that clear?

David: Of course but-

Ashley: No if, and's or but's. Just do as i say!

David: Yes, ma'am...

Ashley stomps out of the room.

Alec: Wow- She doesn't treat you well. Why don't you just quit?

David: I can't, i'll be killed...But if i stay and get my hands dirty for them, i get payed double the amount i use to get payed at my old job.

Alec sighs.

Alec: How much do you get payed now?

David: 1 thousand a day...

Alec: A day? Really? How long have you've been working for her?

David: Three day's now.

Alec: Three d*mn day's? That's not enough...Say- I'll pay you double the amount she pays you now if you let me and Amora go.

David slowly looks at Alec.

David: Double?....What do you work as?

Alec: A Psychologists. I'm in the top classes. I make $167,000 a year...Please- Atleast think about it?

David looks down then back up at Alec, he looks all over the room. Making sure no one is listening.

David: I'll see what i can do, i can't- You know, physically get you and your daughter out of here safely. But- I can help your fiance and friends through. Getting them pass the system.

Alec sighs in relief.

Alec: Thank you...

David smiles and nods before returning back to his computer.

*With Funneh and the rest*

Kyran: Hmm, that's weird-

Gold: What?

Kyran: Someone is...Helping me through?

Gold: Helping? Who would be willing to help us?

Kyran: Wait- It's the same person who was blocking us earlier.

Funneh: What? The same person?

Kyran: Yeah.

Funneh stays looking at the road but does a slight smile in realization.

Funneh: Maybe- Alec did something. Maybe he just somehow convinced a person on the enemy side to help us through. Brings us back to the time Celeste and Elijah betrayed Yandere to help you guy's out on finding me.

Gold: That makes way to much sense.

Kyran: Hm, then let's take up there help. With there help- Were unstoppable.

Gold and Funneh start laughing and celebrating.

Funneh: Alright, Alright- Let's settle down. We've made it.

Both Kyran and Gold look out there windows.

Kyran: The woods?

Funneh: Yup! It'll be hard to track us down now.

Gold: I don't want to sit in the woods for hours straight though-

Funneh: No worries- You won't have to worry about bugs, big creatures. None of that. There's a cabin in the woods, it's not super far but it's not super close.

Kyran: And how do you know there's a cabin in the woods?

Funneh: I have secrets of my own. Now- Let's go, sha'll we?

Gold and Kyran just decided to keep quiet and not question her anymore. They've all just continued to walk, until some random cabin came across there eye's.

It's been about a 4 minute walk till they got to the old, crusty cabin.

Funneh: And were here!

Both Kyran and Gold just stared at it. In a disgusted look.

Funneh: Oh c'mon, don't look at it as if we're moving in, because we're not. It's just to hideout for the time being.

Both Kyran and Gold sighed before walking up to the door.

Gold nudges the door open, spider webs start falling down. Dust flying everywhere.

Gold: It smells like an animal has just died in here.

Funneh: Maybe one did- But forget that. We have more important things we need to do.

Kyran and Gold nod, both taking a seat on the floor. Gold and Funneh went back to planning. While Kyran continued doing what he has been doing for the pass hour.

Funneh: Hey Kyran?

Kyran: Hm?

Funneh: Is there some way we can talk to our helper?

Kyran: Uhm- Yeah, i think so.

Funneh: Cool. Can i chat them?

Kyran: Sure.

Kyran turns the laptop over to Funneh.

Funneh starts typing away.

[Funneh: Hey, thank you for helping us.]

[David: Of course, you're fiance said he'll pay me double if i could get him and your daughter out safe. Though- I said i can't physically do that. So, i've came to you're aid. If i help you through, you can finally reach Alec and Amora.]

[Funneh: Really? Wow, okay- Well...Speaking of which. Who's behind all of this?]

[David: Her name goes by..Ashley..]

[Funneh: ASHLEY?!?!]

[David: Yes, though i have no clue who the real master mind is behind all of this. It was kept a secret from us all]

[Funneh: Of course it was. They probably didn't want anyone to betray them and turn them in.]

[David: I just want a normal life.]

[Funneh: I do too- You know...If this ends well, we can all go back to our normal lives.]

[David: Hopefully.]

[Funneh: Then let's end this well, sha'll we?]

[David: Yes, ma'am.]

Funneh turns the laptop back over to Kyran. Letting him take over.

Gold: Did he say anything useful?

Funneh: Yes, he told me his bosses name. Though- He has no clue who's actually behind any of this.

Gold: What's there name?

Funneh: Ashley.

Gold: Excuse me? You mean that b*tch from College?

Funneh: Yup, the girl that is crazy obsess over Alec and the girl that's always aiming for my throat.

Gold: How greatttt...

Kyran: Any locations?

Funneh: No.

Kyran grunts and looks back over at the laptop.

Kyran: This is just the beginning...




Note: Who could be the possible master mind?👀🍵

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