Chapter 14: Separation

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Note: Why is switching storylines so hard? I'm just going back and forth with all my books😭




Funneh pulls out her phone, heading to a group chat and calling everyone. (-The ones in the house rn).

Rainbow: Hello? Why are you facetiming us? You could just text.

Lunar: Yeah.

Funneh: Sorry, sorry- For those of you that have no clue...We do have Alec and Amora back. They did at first take me, but i'm gladly back and well. Though- That's beside the point. Uhm- Rainbow and Senpai, this isn't really towards you. But i do want you both to listen carefully.

Senpai: Got it.

Funneh clears her throat;

Funneh: Alright, so- We all made a plan.

Funneh got interrupted by Gold in the background.

Gold: You made the plan.

Funneh: Well- It's basically all of our plans. I don't think it matters on who's plan it was.

Gold sighs;

Gold: Alright carry on.

Funneh looks away and back at her phone.

Funneh: Okay-....Anyways, We started the plan off with how Rainbow and Senpai are watching over Ari and since this isn't quite over yet, Amora and Silas are in a lot of danger right now. Especially if there with us right now, so- Uhm...Lunar and Evan, is there a way you can watch over Amora and uh- Aly and Draco, could you watch over Silas for a bit? I know i'm asking for a lot here. But i really need help.

Silence fled the call.

Lunar: Sure, anything to help my friend out. Plus- I love my niece.

Evan chuckles in the background;

Aly: Count me in!!

Draco: Hell yeah! We get to spend time with my nephew!

Funneh and the rest went silent.

Funneh: I mean- I knew you would say yes...I think- But i didn't think you'll be that excited. Generally makes me happy and my business more easier.

Alec: Thank you, guys.

Evan: Anytime bro.

Everyone started saying "You're welcomes" to Funneh and Alec.

Funneh: Alright, now that we have that out of the way- We'll be heading towards you're houses soon. Just give us some time to talk to our kids.

Everyone does a nod as if Funneh can see.

Lunar: Then we'll let you go while you do that.

Funneh: Alright, byee!!

All: Byeee!

Funneh hangs up her phone then sets her phone aside before slowly turning towards Silas.

Funneh sighs;

She makes her way over to Silas, picking him up and signaling Alec to follow her. They both went upstairs, heading towards the room Amora is in.

They nudge the door open, getting a view of Amora who was already sat up. Staring at the floor.

Funneh: Amora?

Amora looks up, staring at Funneh before her eyes enlighten. She jumps out of bed, running towards Funneh and taking her into a tight hug.

Amora: Mommy!! I've missed you so much!!

Funneh: Haha, I've missed you too sweetie. But- Uhm...

Funneh walks over to Amora's bed and sets Silas down. Also signaling Amora to sit down beside him. Alec starts getting closer, both Funneh and Alec squat down. Coming face to face with there children.

Funneh: Me and daddy are gonna be very busy for the next couple of days. So...To ensure you're safety once more, you'll be spending time...Uhm- Apart. But! You'll be with you're aunt's and uncles. How fun!

Silas and Amora's smiles both dropped.

Amora: You mean... I'll be spending time away from mommy and daddy? A-and... I'm gonna be away from Silas?

Funneh and Alec both looked at eachother, then back.

Funneh: Sweetie...

Amora: B-But...Mommy! I can't live without you!!

Silas: We need you by our side!!

Funneh looks down, Alec reaches over and puts his hand on Funneh's leg.

He gives Funneh one last sad glare before looking over at Amora and Silas.

Alec: ...Mommy is just as hurt for leaving you two so far behind. Especially when you're not in her sight. You're all she wants to protect. But...To ensure you're safety, she has to do what's best. We're so truly sorry...

Amora and Silas look down, then at eachother before finally looking back up.

A&S: We understand..

Funneh looks back up at her kids.

Funneh: You do?

Silas: Of course we do, you want what's best. We don't want to make you're business anymore difficult then what it's already is.

Amora: Just- ...Promise you'll be back for us.

Funneh gives off a sad smile;

Funneh: We promise.

Alec starts to get up. Before widening both of his arms.

Alec: Bring it in.

Amora and Silas both jump up and into there dad's arms.

Funneh smiles once more before also getting up and joining the hug.

Alec: Could I ever be more proud of my family...

Amora and Silas starts to giggle.

A&S: Love you daddy!

Alec: Awh, I love you too..both, very...very...much.



Note: Sorry, i messed up the beginning a little. Didn't know how to start it off.

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