Chapter 21: Excitement

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Note: Yes, i am back from my vacation😌
*Back to present*

As everyone was still waiting in the waiting room. Waiting to hear a word from the doctors and... Waiting to hear a word from the police.

There was no more visits allowed. But, family and friends refused to leave till they hear one more word from the doctors. Which they did indeed get.

A doctor started to walks towards everyone's way. The doctor was holding a clipboard.

Everyone stood. Letting the doctor get closer.

Doctor: Hello. I am both Funneh's, Alec's and Kyran's doctor. Are you guy's there families or.. Friends?

Everyone nodded in response.

Doctor: Fantastic. I assume you're all here for more news?

Rachel: Y-Yes!

The doctor looks up at Rachel and smiles.

Doctor: Great! Well, I brought some good news. They will all make full recoveries... Uhm- Starting with Funneh. She has been having her up's and down's with comebacks from her surgeries. Though, she'll make it out completely fine. Now uh- With Alec. He has had no serious problems. Though we did in fact add a metal plate to his diaphragm....With Kyran on the other hand. He'll be completely fine. He wasn't as badly hurt as you may think.

The doctor smiles after there statement.

Laura: Oh my god..That's a relief.

As everyone was trying to soak up the news. Some cops also entered the building, heading there way. Everything was all happening at once.

Cop: Everyone here the Friends and Families of the victims?

Laura: Yes.

Cop: Then, we have some great news for you guys. As you all know, Yandere has been having problems with escaping. Which we have now set up court this following Thursday. We need every one of you there. Including the victims, which I suppose they'll make it out fine?

Doctor: Yes, sir.

Cop: Great. Then we'll set off from there. Got it?

Rachel: Yes, sir.

The cop looks at everyone before turning around and leaving.

Gold takes in a deep breath and turns around, looking at everyone.

Gold: ....YEAH!!! WOOHOO!!!

Everyone starts laughing.

??: Looks like someone is excited.

Gold freezes and slowly turns around, getting a view of a semi tall guy with dark blue hair. It was..Kyran!

Gold: Babe!!

Gold runs to Kyran, grabbing him into a hug. She was on the verge of tears.

Everyone stares, smiling in excitement.

Doc: In fact. Looks like he got discharged fast- Haha.

Gold looks looks up at Kyran.

Gold: H-How are you feeling?

Kyran: I'm feeling fantastic. The shot felt like nothing if I'm gonna be honest. Probably because adrenaline was soaring through my body fast, haha.

Gold: I'm glad.

Kyran: Oh! Btw, how is Alec? Wait- We're is Funneh?

Gold: Uhm- Alec is fine and...Funneh also got extremely hurt. But she's also fine, there both making full recoveries.

Kyran: Oh my god..Did she get shot too?

Gold: ...No- It was far more brutal. But I don't wanna talk about it.

Kyran: That's okay...

Kyran keep's Gold in a hug before looking over at everyone.

Kyran: Hey guys.

Everyone puts on wide smiles.

Aly: Hey Kyran!

Kyran: How is everyone?

Laura: Good. As for right now.

Rachel: Great!

Kyran: I'm glad.

Everyone continues to chat while the doctor still stood there, being the odd one out.

Doc: Hate to break this little reunion but- I still got some good new's.

Kyran and Gold both turn around, facing the doctor.

Doc: This Thursday- Funneh and Alec sha'll both be there at..court. So- You should see them tomorrow afternoon.

The doctor gives off a smile.

Gold: Really?

Doc: Absolutely. They'll be out on pain killers, which- They should make it through the full day.

Kyran: That's great!

Doc: I'll leave you all at it now. I'll contact you for any later news. See you all tomorrow.

The doctor turns around and leaves the room.

Kyran and Gold both turn back around.

Gold: And we're still unstoppable.

Aly: Holy s*it...we've been at this for 15 year's...Do you think this is it?

Gold: This gotta be it. Were making out of this alive. That's for sure.

Kyran: Yessssss! This is the exciting part of it all.

Gold: Well- What are we waiting for? Let's head back home, get sleep, get ready for court then we can F*CKING SEE THEM!! WOOHOO!!

Everyone laughs and nod's in agrrement;

They all leave the hospital, it was about 3 am. They all crowd in Gold's car, since she was the only one that came in a vehicle. Atleast her own.




Note: Like i said on my other book(For those that seen the note) I did indeed kinda rush the ending, which is why the chapter is shorter. So- I apologize.

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