Chapter 16: Breather

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Note: Nearly forgot this book is even a thing💀




Alec finally starts pulling into the driveway, both Funneh and Alec hop out. Sighing. They walk up to the door, heading inside. Standing face to face with Gold.

Gold: Are the kid's gonna be safe?

Funneh: ...I have faith with our friends. They've been through a lot because of us. Knowing Yandere's exact moves, basically. Amora and Silas will be just fine.

Gold sighs in relief;

Gold: Okay, good to know...Please! Come join us in the kitchen.  We have a lot that needs to be sorted out.

Funneh and Alec look at eachother then back, nodding in response. They both followed Gold to the kitchen.

Kyran: Alright- Now that everyone's here. We need to start disgusting about all of this crapt now before someone really does end up dead.

Everyone starts thinking.

Laura: Well- Shouldn't we just inform the police? It'll give us more helping hands.

Everyone looks up and over at Laura.

Funneh: It's not that easy, mom. The police won't do anything about it. We've tried for over 15 year's. She'll get caught, all evidence directed towards her and she'll just end up escaping in the end. The police never learns.

Alec: She's right. Like what Yandere said when she held me and Amora hostage, "She has secrets of her own" or whatever. Which means, she must've done something to the police department. So, knowing she's not world wide right now all makes sense. So, were basically left on our own. Been fighting since the age of 16 and now were all in our 30's. See how f*cking difficult this is? Were all stressing because we don't know what to do. Were running low on plans.

Gold jumps in and sighs;

Gold: Well- Does anyone atleast have ONE fantastic idea?

Funneh: Uhm- I wouldn't call it fantastic and all...

Everyone: Just throw it at us!

Funneh: Sheesh. Okay- It is the same idea that i came up with as a Junior. Though, we never actually got to put it into action. So, we might actually be able to use it.

Gold: Go on, i'm listening.

Funneh: We can lure her out. Now that we know more about her, we know how to exactly do that. So- What i'm thinking is...She's gonna send people after us first. We need to prepare for that, we can spread out all along the property and if they get close to you, knock them out with WHATEVER you have. Then hide them all later, once it reaches the next morning. We call the police, they take them and we start again. Simple, isn't it? So by then, they'll run out of people. There last attempt on anything, will be Ashley. Which she'll be easy to take out. Thennn- Yandere will have no choice but to face us herself. Sound's like a plan?

Everyone looks down, Kyran looks back up.

Kyran: Sounds like death coming our way.

Funneh: Either you face near death experience or you don't take part in any of this. Less help, the harder it'll become.

Kyran: ....Fine, good point.

Funneh: Great, now that we have that handled. I need to make a quick call. I'll be right back.

Funneh leaves the room and heads upstairs.

Alec: Alright- While she does that, we need to start getting the supplies we need.

Laura: Wait- Alec, can't Yandere just file missing people reports once all her people go missing?

Alec: No, it'll be super suspicious to keep filing new reports and- She's on the wanted list. The only thing Yandere could do is face us or flee.

Laura: Oh, yeah- That'd make more sense.

After 5 more minutes later, Funneh starts walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Alec: Oh, hey babe. We're stocking up on supplies right now.

Funneh: Oo, how fun.

Alec: Oh, btw- Who were you on call with?

Funneh looks over at Alec, she looks right then left before facing back.

Funneh: I gave Rex a little chat. I told him I want him to tell Yandere were we're at, once I give him the signal too. She'll have time to send people out tonight.

Alec: You trust him?

Funneh: Of course I do, I know- It's wrong. Especially if I never really liked him. But, we have to learn to trust him. He helped us out, he's the only one who can help us from a different team.

Alec looks down, sighing;

Alec: Fine, I trust you're judgement.

Funneh: Alec..I take any punishment if he turns his back on us. Just know..I really don't want any of you hurt. But, if we want her gone. We have to do this. Even if it involves risk taking.

Alec looks back up at Funneh, glaring at her. Giving her no acknowledgement. He just looks away and walks around her.

Funneh drops her head. Knowing how badly she's messing this all up.

Funneh's mind: I'm so sorry...

Funneh lifts her head back up, turning around and walking near the rest.

Funneh: I'm..Gonna be out back if you guy's need me.

Gold: Why?

Funneh: Hm?..Oh, no reason.

Funneh turns away and leaves out the back.

Gold turns towards the rest, which everyone just shrugs besides Alec.

Laura: I'll go talk to her.

Laura starts walking towards the back door.

Funneh was outside, sitting in the middle of the grass. Looking up at the sky. Laura can see Funneh slapping herself in the face.

Laura sighs;

She starts walking over to Funneh, which she lay's beside her.

Funneh glances to her right before looking back up at the stars.

Laura: Stop beating yourself up. Whatever it is, you'll pull through it. We'll pull through it.

Funneh: ...Mom...Am I a terrible person?

Laura: What? No! Absolutely not! You're a wonderful daughter, friend, mom and wife.

Funneh: Does that really benefit who I am though?

Laura: Of course it does, Hun.

Funneh: Mom... I'm putting people in danger. That makes me a terrible person.

Laura: No, no you are not. Don't say that. You've all been fighting this for 15 year's. You've never told people to fight alongside of you. Who started this? Wasn't it Alec?

Funneh: Yeah...

Laura: Sweetie, understand- You're not the one putting people in danger. Remember that. Stop hating yourself.

Laura get's back up.

Laura: Think about that.. I'll be in the house if you need me.

Laura turns away and starts leaving towards the back door.

Funneh continues to stare at the stars.
Note: [Insert Note]

"You're Half Way There.."(YHS)BOOK 3!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang